" July 2d, 1739.
" Pursuant to the above order a reserve is hereby made
on all vacant and escheat land, being in Annapolis, or
within the distance of five miles thereof or any part thereof, for
the use of the right honourable the lord proprietary of
which the surveyor of Anne Arundel county is to take
notice and demeane himself accordingly.
LIBER, L. G. No. A. fol. 64.
" An instruction to our trusty and well beloved Samuel Ogle,
Esq. Governor of the province of Maryland.
" Whereas by our proclamation, bearing date at
Annapolis, the 20th of June, in the 19th year of our dominion,
anno domini 1733, We thought fit to publish and declare,
that the rent of four shillings sterling, as usual for every
hundred acres of surplusage land thereafter to be granted
should be reserved and payable;
" And whereas it has been represented to us that great
part of the best and richest land is now taken up, and that
most of what remains is of less value, or lies in small
quantities, and being willing to shew our good tenants all
reasonable favour and indulgence, we hereby impower you to grant
all surplus land in our province, whereon no patents of
confirmation have already issued upon the like terms,
conditions and reservation of rent as mentioned in the original
grants or patents for such land, the parties applying first
compounding with our agent for the purchase money,
interest thereon, and rent from the date of the original grant,
for such surplus land.
" Given at London, this 12th day of August, in the
27th year of our dominion, anno domini, under our
hand and lesser seal at arms, 1741.
By his lordship's order,
JN. BROWNING , Secretary."
COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, commencing 1738, fol. 143.
" Whereas I have received his lordship's instructions,
bearing date at London the 26th day of May, anno domini
1735, directing that Mr. John Diggs of Prince Georges
county, should have a warrant for five thousand acres of
land, to be laid out upon the remote parts and borders of this
province, upon his giving security for the payment of the
caution money, within the term of five years and complying
with the other requisites mentioned in the said instruction;