******* " A further instruction to Edmund Jenings, Esq.
*SEAL* judge of our land office in our province of
******* Maryland.
" Whereas, it has been doubted whether by our late
settlement of fees and the allowance therein of a fee on every
petition, a fee may be taken on every petition for entering a
caveat, or for other purposes or matters in our said land affairs
besides the fees on petitions for specia1 warrants. It is our
will and pleasure that the judge in our said land office, shall
and may be permitted to take and receive on every petition,
either for entring caveats or other matters in our said land
office, the same fee, as is allowed by our said late settlement.
Given under our hand and seal at London, this 26th day of
May, 1735. C. B."
LIBER, F. F. folio 53.
" Copy of his lordship's *first instrucon, dated at London,
15th December, 1738.
" We do authorise and impower you, with the advice and
consent of our governor and secretary for the time being to
grant any surplus or other lands, our mannors or reserves
excepted, on such terms and conditions as to you shall
seem equitable and just, tho' not under the conditions of four
shillings reserved rents, and, five pounds sterling caution
money per hundred acres, You are nevertheless to demand,
where you judge the case will admit of it, such further
caution money and reserved rent, as to you the governor and
secretary for the time being shall seem just and expedient."
LIBER L. G. No. A. folio 135.
" Annapolis, 2d July, 1739.
" By virtue of an instruction from the, right honourable
the lord proprietary, bearing date the 15th day of December,
in the year of Lord 1738, to reserve for his lordship's use
all vacant and escheat land, being in Annapolis or within the
distance of five miles thereof, or of any part thereof, I
hereby desire that entry be made of this reserve, and the
greatest care taken to prevent any survey being made within the
same, either by expressly mentioning the reserve in all
warrants to be issued out of the office, or in such other manner
as may make the same known and remove all pretence of
ignorance. I am, Sir,
Your most humble servant,
" To collo. Gale, judge of the land office."
LIBER, L. G. No. A. fol. 64.
* Presumed to be the first instruction received by Mr. Tasker as agent.
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