" Charles, absolute lord and proprietary of the provinces of
Maryland and Avalon lord baron of Baltimore, to all to whom
these presents shall come Greeting: Whereas I did
heretofore make and publish within my said province of Maryland,
certain conditions and terms upon which all waste and
unreserved lands and lands not resurveyed for my use there should
be purchased and surveyed, impowering a committee of my
then council of my said province of Maryland, from time to
time to give directions according to the said condition for
issuing out warrants for the surveying such lands in order for
grants thereupon; likewise for the granting of surplusage land
found upon resurvey, with several other matters relating to
lands; the which committee were commonly called the council
for lands; the which conditions were in force within my said
province of Maryland in the year 1688, in which said year
1688 also was in force the powers and authorities of my said
committee, as by my commission and instructions to them for
that purpose remaining within my said province of
Maryland relation being thereunto had may more at large appear:
Now, know ye, that I reposing especial trust and confidence in
the fidelity and circumspection of collonel Henry Darnall of
my said province of Maryland, have given granted and
authorized, and I do hereby give grant and authorise him the
said Henry Darnall, with full power to grant warrant or
warrants in the usual manner, for the use of any person or persons
whatsoever, under his hand and my lesser seal of my said
province of Maryland, directed to any surveyor general there for
the time being, or his deputy, for the surveying of any quantity
of waste and unsurveyed lands, and lands not reserved by me,
or as shall be thought fit by the said Henry Darnall to be
reserved for my use within my said province of Maryland, as
shall be duly purchased according to my conditions of
plantation aforenamed; and upon return of certificates of such
surveys to him the said Henry Darnall, he to pass grant or
grants therefore in my name, in the usual manner, under my
great seal of my said province; of Maryland, he in my
behalf signing the same, and to cause due registers to be made of
such his proceedings in the same manner as they have
heretofore been done in that province taking unto himself such
fees and rewards as usually have been taken and received for
such and the like matters there. And the said Henry Darnall to
grant special warrants under his hand and my said lesser seal,
for the resurveying any tract or parcel of land within that
province; and if any surplusage thereupon shall be found, to
sell and dispose thereof to my use in such manner as to him
shall seem meet; and to pass grant or grants therefor under
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