which wee will and intend shall be erected into a county by
the name of New Ireland, where any person or persons
of the descent aforesaid desirous to take up any land and
seate as aforesaid, may take up any quantity or quantityes
of land whatsoever, paying therefore or securing to be paid
unto us or our heirres or such officer or officers as aforesaid,
the quantity of one hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco
in cask for the first purchase, together with one shilling
sterling yearly rent for every fifty acres he or they shall take up
as aforesaid, and soe proportionably for any greater or lesser
quantity. All and every the person or persons aforesaid
takeing up land as aforesaid in any the aforementioned parts or
place of this our province, paying also unto our examiner or
deputy surveyor generall of this our province for examining
approveing and signing of every certificate of one hundred
acres of land or under by him or they taken up as aforesaid,
the just quantity of thirty pounds of tobacco, and for every
hundred acres above the first, ten pounds of tobacco to three
hundred acres, and for every hundred acres after three
hundred acres aforesaid the summe of five pounds of tobacco to
any quantity of number of acres whatsoever; also for
examining and fileing of every plott of land taken up as aforesaid,
the just quantity of three pounds of tobacco, for every
certificate of resurvey and plott, the same fee as for certificate
and plott of original survey and noe more; and for all searches
and coppies the same fees as is allowed and taken by our
secretaries of this our province in the land office; it being
according to a certain settlement of fees by us and our councill
lately established and settled upon our examiner or deputy
surveyor generall aforesaid. Upon which conditions only and
not otherwise, wee will that all lands which for the future shall
or may be taken up, shall pass and be granted under the greate
seale of this our province, to all and every person or persons
takeing up the same as aforesaid their heires and assignes
forever, in free and common soccage, by fealty only for all manner
of services, and with reservation only of all royall mines as
hath been used; and wee do hereby strictly charge and comand
all and singular the sheriffs of this our province forthwith
upon receipt hereof to make publick proclamation hereof in the
most publick and convenient place within their several and
respective counties.
Given at our city of St. Maries under the great seale of
this our province of Maryland the fifth day of April in the
nineth yeare of our dominion &c. Annoque Domi. one
thousand six hundred eighty and foure.
R. R. R. folio 79.