our Lord God Everlasting: Know Ye, that WE reposing
special trust and confidence, in the great care truth fidelity
and circumspection of John Llewellin of the county of
St. Maries within this our said province of Maryland,
and for divers other good causes and considerations us
thereunto mooving have ordained constituted and appointed
as by these presents Wee Doe hereby ordaine constitute
and appoint the said John Llewellin to be clerk and
register of our land office within this our said province, by
us for all matters relating to land specially and particularly
now lately erected and appointed, Hereby authorising and
empowering the said John Llewellin as register to take
into his care and charge all and singular the records
transcripts, bookes papers and memorandums whatsoever to the
same belonging or in any wise appertaining giveing also
hereby full power and authority to our said clerk or register to
take the probate of all rights for land due to any person or
persons inhabiting resideing in or tradeing into this province
(according to the conditions of plantations by our deceased
father Caecilius &c. of noble memory published and set
forth and remaining upon record within our said office) as
shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be brought
and tendered to him for that purpose, and upon due proof
thereof made to issue out and singne warrants, and upon
returne of the certificates thereof to draw pattents for the
same as is usuall keeping a true and perfect record of what
shall by him be done and perpetrated by vertue hereof in the
execution of his said office, and in all things to act doe and
perform as to the said place and office may or of right ought to
be done, according to the condicons of our deceased father
Caecilius &c. as aforesaid, or such other conditions as shall
by us from time to time and at all times hereafter be set
forth and published within this our said province and
according to such further orders instructions and directions
as he shall from time to time receive from us or our
lieutenant general or other chief governor for the time being,
Provided alwaies that noe special warrant, warrant of
resurvey or other special matter whatsoever relating to land as
aforesaid shall be issued out but by speciall order from us or
our lieutenant general or other chief governor as aforesaid,
any thing to the contrary before mentioned notwithstanding,
To Have and to Hold the said place and office of clerk and
register of our land office to the said John Llewellin for
and during our pleasure. Given under our hand and
lesser seale at armes the nineteenth day of April in the fifth
year of our Dominion &c. Annoq Domini 1680."
LIBER C. B. folio 24.
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