of register. Upon the appointment of the land council he
caused to be prepared a set of instructions, intended to
embrace all the operations of the land office, and from this
time the complete and distinct organization of this
establishment takes its date. The whole proceeding is here
inserted, beginning with what appears first in course, to wit, the
transfer from the secretary's office to Mr. Llewellin (who
was, it would seem, appointed register, but not yet
commissioned) of all those record books and papers which
related to the business he was to have in charge.
" A list of the records of lands taken out of the
" secretary's office for which John Llewellen, register
" appointed for the land office passed his receipt the 7th of April
" Anno 1680, according to his lordship's order of the 3d
" ditto in the words underneath the said list."
" LIBER C. B. fol. 1.
" Here follows the list, which I do not insert because I
have not sufficiently weighed, or been advised concerning the
consequence of exposing in this publication any thing that
may relate to the loss of records, respecting which,
questions are frequently raised in the courts of justice. ¾It is a
matter, likewise, which, notwithstanding several attempts, I
have not yet fully investigated. But although the books
transferred at this period to the newly erected land office are
not all found or (a) accounted for, I have seen no chasms in
the present records sufficient to convince me that losses of
records essentially injurious to titles of property in Maryland
have occurred.¾¾After the list comes the following
" You are desired and hereby required to deliver into the
" custody of John Llewellin to be kept at the state house the
" several books and papers in your office relating to the
" business of lands according to the within written list, and
" what other books and papers you have any ways relating
" thereunto, for which this shall be your sufficient order from
" To the Hon'ble Wm. Calvert, Esq.
" principal sec'ry of this
" province or his chief clerk. These"
" Charles absolute lord and proprietary of the province
of Maryland and Avalon lord baron of Baltemore &c. to
all persons to whom these presents shall come greeting in
(a) By being transcribed.
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