from henceforth be one entire mannor, and be called by the
name of " The mannor of Kent Fort," AND that 300 acres of
the same shall be forever hereafter accounted and known for
the demesne lands of the said mannor and shall be set
forth by distinct meates and bounds for that purpose, and that
the said Giles Brent and his heirs may at all times hereafter
grant or convey any other part of the premisses (excepting
the said 300 acres) unto any other person or persons of
Brittish or Irish descent either in fee simple or fee taile for
life lives or years to be held of him the said Giles Brent and
his heirs as of his manor of Kent Fort, by and under such
rents and services as he or they shall think fitt, And further
We Do for us and our heirs give and grant unto the said
Giles Brent and his heirs forever, that he and they shall and
may have hold use and enjoy within the said mannor one
court in the nature of a court baron and in that court hold
pleas of all and all manner of actions suits trespasses
quarrells debts and demands whatsoever happening or arising
within the said mannor which in debt or damages doe not
exceed the sum of forty shillings of lawful English money to
be from time to time held by the said Giles Brent or his
heirs or his or their steward from time to time to be
appointed and by the free suitors of the said mannor; And further
shall and may forever hereafter twice in every year viz. in
the month after Michaelmass, and the month after Easter
have hold and enjoy a court leet or view of frank pledge,
and all that to a court leet or view of frank pledge doth any
ways belong or appertain To be holden of him and them and
by his or their seneschall or steward from time to time by
him and them to be appointed, and therein to enquire of all
crimes and offences committed or to be committed within the
precincts of the same mannor, which may or ought by the
law or custom of England to be enquired of in any court
leet or view of frank pledge within the realm of England and
to his and their own use to have and receive all and singular
issues profits fines amerciaments and perquisites whatsoever
which hereafter shall or may arise or come by reason of the
said courts or either of them. Given under our great seal of
our said province at our honour of St. Maries the seventh
day of September Anno Dni. 1640¾Witness our dear
brother &c.
LIBER No. 1, fol. 48.
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