" send a true copy of all such records of the said manors
" unto his lordship attested under your hand, and likewise to
" give his lordship particular notice from time to time of
" their proceedings as well as your own therein."
COUNCIL BOOK, C. B. fol. 51.
" Cecilius, &c. Know ye that for and in consideration that
our dear brother Leonard Calvert Esq. our lieutenant
general of our province of Maryland hath done unto us
many acceptable services and sustained much hazard and
charge in reducing the isle of Kent under our government,
have therefore of and with the advice of our said dear
brother and at his humble motion and request given granted
enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents for us and our heirs
doe give grant enfeoff and confirm unto our right faithfull and
beloved councellor Giles Brent assignee of our said brother,
all that neck of land lyeing nearest together about Kent Fort
in the said isle of Kent, bounding upon the west, east and
south with Chesapeak bay, upon the north with a line drawn
through the woods straight east from the northeastermost
branch of the creek called North West Creek unto a swamp,
in the said bay on the east side of the said neck, containing
by estimation and now set forth for one thousand acres be it
more or less, and all woods, quarries, mines (royal mines
excepted) waters, royal fishes, fishings, fishing places,
advowsons and patronages of churches, wrecks not claimed by
the owner within a year and a day, waifes, strays, felons'
goods, free warren, liberty of hunting hawking and fowling
for any sort of game whatsoever, and all other profits
advantages comodities emoluments and hereditaments in or upon
the same or any part thereof saving to us and our heirs, our
royal jurisdiction and seigniory as absolute lords and
proprietors of the said province of Maryland, and saving unto
Giles Basha and Thomas Allen their heirs and assigns their
freeholds granted or to be granted to them, which
nevertheless we will that they and either of them hold of the said
Giles Brent and his heirs, paying the rents and performing
the services for the same unto our said brother in such
manner as the same ought to have been paid unto us or our heirs:
To Have and To Hold the same unto him the said Giles
Brent and his heirs forever, To be holden of us and our heirs
as of our honour of St. Maries in free and comon soccage by
fealty only for all services, yielding and paying therefore
yearly to us and our heirs lords and proprietaries of the said
province at the place where the mill now standeth two barrells
of good corne at the feast of our Lord's nativity, and we
will and appoint that the said parcell or neck of land shall