see also Magruder, Mary
Lt. Rignal, 44, 60, 96, 139, 174, 197, 215,
258, 327, 334, 356
Hillen, Solomon, 78
Hindman, Mr., 231
James, 68, 169, 238, 311, 316
William, 5-58, 58-153, 153-234, 296, 297,
Hines, Patrick, 178
Hitchcock, Asael, Sr., 125
Aseal, Jr., 125
Josiah, 125
Hobbs, Josiah, 332
Nicholas, 76, 171, 268, 312, 315
Thomas, 77,^170,251
Hobes, Frederick, 125
Hodges, Thos. Ramsey, 78, 188, 253
Hodgkin, Mr., 184
Thomas Brooke, 49
Hodson, Charles, 224
Robert, 172
Holding, J., 298
Holland, John, 241, 311, 316
Solomon, 232
Holliday, William, 306
Hollingsworth, Col. Henry, 20, 24, 64, 123,
169, 206, 238, 244, 246, 275, 310, 317, 331
Holmes, Mr., 143
John, 78, 171, 198, 246, 248, 313, 315, 329
William, 75, 248
Holms, John, 166, 167
see also Holmes, John
Hollyday, Clement, 283
James, 165, 167, 227
John Robert, 170, 172, 256, 312, 320, 322
Hone, Richard, 127
Hoof man, William, 15
Hooker, John, 46
Hooper, General, 264
Henry, QS, 74
John, 199
Roger A., 47
Dr. William, 199
Hope, Adam, 4
Richard, 128
Hopewell, James, 313, 315
Hopkins, C. A. Porter, xiii
Ezekiel, 127, 298
Horsey, John, of Smith, 81, 200
Outerbridge, 222, 223
Hosnell, John, 121
Hospital allowances, 196
Hospital Department, 245
Horse, Sale of, 289
House of Delegates:
Appointments, 70
and court held in, 331
Resolution by, 32
Howard, Cornelius, 276
Benjamin, 1 88, 189
Henry, 331
James, 53
John Eager, 1-58, 58-153, 153-234, 277, 305
Joshua, 171, 268
Samuel Harvey, 168, 188, 206, 233, 249
Howell, Paul, 126
Samuel, 126
William, 127
Hubberd, Daniel, 335
Huffardo, Phil, 126
Huffington, Jonathan, 209
Huggins, Samuel, 215
Hughes, Aaram, 121
Benjamin, 123
Daniel, 291
James, 122
John, 322
Naason, 121
Robert, 313, 315
Samuel, 69, 123, 165, 167, 255, 291, 298, 305
Thomas, 123
Zenas, 127
Hughlett, Thomas, 115, 239, 311, 316, 325, 335
William, 7
Hughs, Henry, 274
James, 274
Hungerford, James, 241, 312, 315
Hunt, Henry, 4, 33, 225
Joseph, 228
Hunter, James, 127
Wilbur H., Jr., xiii
Hunting Creek, Calvert County, 80
Hurst, Bennett, 121
John, 121
William, 1 19
Hurt, John, Jr., 265, 268
Hutchison, Elizabeth (Scroggin), Mrs.
Thomas, 125
Thomas, 125
Hutton, Joseph, 116
Hyde, John, 162, 174, 308, 332, 336