Hanway, David, 124
Harbin, Jno., 123
Hardcastle, John, 68, 169, 239, 311, 316, 331,
Robert, 331, 335
Harford County:
Associate Justices appointed, 165, 167, 255,
Commissary, 195
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 75
Complaint, 304
County Court fines levied, 330, 351
County Court justices, appointed, 69
Coaler, 174
Inspectors appointed, 106
Justices of the Peace appointed, 170, 171,
Land sales, 39
Orphans Court judges appointed, 69, 166,
167, 216, 312, 317
Sheriff, 55, 225
Tax Collector, 50, 55
Tax sales, 50
Harmond, John, 334
Harper, James, 127
Samuel, 127
William, 264
Mrs. William T., Jr., xiii
Harrington, Nathan, 335
Harris, Edward, 165, 167, 227
John, 335
Robert, 124, 127
Theodore, 74
Harrison, Benjamin, 283
John, 355
JohnCaile, 156
Richard, 64, 77, 251, 315
Robert, 74, 165, 167
Robert Hanson, 49, 51, 96, 1 13
Samuel, 77, 170, 251, 312, 315
Samuel, of Richard, 77, 170, 251, 312, 315
Thomas, 289
William, 35
Hart, Mr., 265
Thomas, 268, 295
Hartlove, John, 272
Hartshorn, John, 259
Harwood, Benjamin, 163, 247, 249, 319
John, 198
Richard, 9, 35, 77, 170, 209, 251, 312, 315
Risdon B., 127
Thomas, 92, 104, 116, 202, 209
Thomas, Jr., 212, 313, 317, 354
Thomas, 3rd, 76, 166, 167, 170, 212, 241, 246
William, 77, 146, 166, 167, 173, 234, 246,
251,309, 31?, 333, 344,357
Hattersly, Josiah, 1 19
Havre de Grace, Harford County, 304, 349
Hawkers licenses, 2, 191
Hawkins, Caleb, 227, 228
Thomas, 75
Hay, John, 351
Hayhurst, Ann, 124
Haynie, James, 211
Hays, Abraham, 127
John, 133
Mary, 60
Vachel, 6o
William, 125
Hayward, Thomas, 320
William, 166, 199
Hayword, William, 168
Hazlewood, Jacob, 242
Head of Elk, 349
Health officer appointment, 349
Heape, Robert, 124, 127
Robert, Jr., 127
Hebb, Vernon, 170, 248, 313, 315
Hedrick, George, 127
Hegan, James, 114
Hemsley, William, 242
Henderson, Francis, 113
Hendrick, William, 120
Henning, Bennett, 121
Jere, 121
Henry, Isaac, 210
John, 118
Hepburn, Samuel, 76, 170, 248, 312, 315
Heron, Ann, 179
Hertick, Jacob, 283
Heuisley, Max, 203
Hewit, Thomas, 28
Hicks, Thomas, 335
Hicky, Basil, 123
Higginbotham, Rev. Mr., 44, 72, 104, 160, 193,
Higgs, Samuel, 123
Hill, Clement, 78
Capt. Philip, 96
Robert, 283
Hilleary, Mary, Mrs. Rignal, 44, 60, 96, 139,