Digges, Francis, 227, 230
Disney, James, 77, 170, 251, 312, 315
Disorderly houses, 72
Disturbing the Peace, 176
Divers, Christian, 127
Dixon, Isaac, 81, 200
John A., 230
John C., 228
Joseph, 115
Leonard, 228, 230
Robert, 115
Thomas Fletcher, 28
Dondou, James, 59
Done, John, 164, 167, 276, 286, 334
William, 311, 316, 320
Doran, Jno., 124
Dorchester County:
Agent appointed, 24, 34
Associate Justices appointed, 165, 167
Collector of Taxes, 5, 12
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 74
Coroner appointed, 240
County Court fines levied, 237, 308, 328
County Court judges appointed, 69, 87
Inspectors appointed, 87
Justices of the Peace appointed, 169, 195,
Orphans Court judges appointed, 56, 69, 166,
168, 199, 245, 287
Petition, 5, 237, 308, 328
Sheriff, elected, 224
Surveyor, 58
Tobacco inspected, 158, 160, 205
Dorsey, Captain, 156
Elisha, 118
Eliza, 125
John, 121, 186
Joshua, 34, 86
Lloyd, 312, 315
Rhoda M., xiii
Douglass, Alexander, 195, 199
Joseph, 239, 311,316
Dove, John, 293
Downes, Edward, 68, 166, 168, 169, 227, 246
Henry, 165, 167, 326, 353
Philemon, 68, 75, 166, 167, 169, 239, 246
William, 228, 230
Downey, Cornelius, 301
Daniel, 240
Dennis, 259
Esther, Mrs. Cornelius, 301
Mary, Mrs. Dennis, 259
Doyle, Hugh, 258
James, 269
Driver, Christopher, 239, 311, 316
Matthew, 68, 166, 167, 169, 239, 246, 311,
Drummond, Mary, 285
Drunkenness, 320
Duckett, Barruch, 76, 170, 248, 312, 315
Richard, 3 1 3, 3 1 7, 348
Thomas, 76, 170, 248, 313, 317
Dudley, James, 324
Duffey, John, 77
Dulany, Mrs., 280
Daniel, of Walter, 279-280
Dunkards, 98
Dunlop, James, 265, 268
Dunn, Patrick, 91, 234
Robert, 10
Dunnuck, John, 123
Durgan, James, 237
Duties, Payment of, 26, 108
Duvall, Gabriel, 275, 283
Zachariah, 79, 94, 283
Dyer, Francis Clements, 294
Giles, 78
Jere, 122
Jeremiah, 228, 230
Dyson, Bennett, 69, 170, 241
Capt. Thomas A., 293
Eakin, Rob't, 117
Earle, Richard Tilghman, 74, 98
Thomas, 179
Eastern Shore electors, 305
Eastern Shore General Court, 132
Easton, Talbot County, 224, 231
Easton Armourer, 7, 64, 196
see also Armourer
Eccleston, John, 240, 287
Col. John, 309
John, Jr., 240
Edelin, Edward, 276
Richard, 122
Edmondson, Peter, 34, 225, 337
Peter, Jr., 68, 169
Education expenses, Payment of, 5
Eighth District Naval Officer, 43