Crisman, John, 228, 230
Cristman, George, 22
Cromwell, Richard, 171, 199, 313, 315
Crookshanks, John, 108, 121
Cropper, John, 311, 316
Dr. John, 199
see also Crapper
Cross, Benja., 121
John, 119
Solomon, 121
Grouse, Christian, 127
Crow, Joshua, 315, 322
Crmmey, Andrew, 267
Cullison, Jesse, 118, 119
William, 118, 119
Cunningham, Isabel, 121
Curffman, Abraham, 283
Dan'l., 118,125,314,320
Curren, James, 67, 88
Currer, William, 123
Currey, James, 125
Curtis, Daniel, 1, 2
Lasley, 304
Cusick, Margaret, 306
Daffin, Charles, 308, 311, 316, 325, 326, 331,
335. 337ff.
Daley, Jacob, 123
Daley, William, 210
Dallam, Richard, 121, 172, 195, 330, 341
Dames, John, 238, 311, 316
Dance, Thomas, 142, 285, 287, 297
Dare, Nathaniel, 80
Darnall, Henry, 76, 171, 268
Robert, 74
Dashiell, George, 210
John, 211
John, of Levin, 211
David, William, 318
Davidson, John, 1-58, 58-153, 153-234, 235-
300, 300-357
Davis, David, 124
Eliazer, 106, 221, 274
Jas., 122
Jo, 122
John, 121,122,126,276
Naylor, 78, 321
Rezin, 275
Thomas, 124, 285, 322
William, 125, 128, 298
Dawson, Joseph, 328
William, 67, 169, 218, 238, 246, 268, 312,
Deakins, Col. Francis, 66
Leonard M., 212
William, 119, 126
Wm., Jr., 1 19, 211, 276
Deale, Charles, 10
Dealy, Jacob, 123
Death, Jacob, 210
De Butts, John, 117, 165, 167, 285, 317
Debt, Abstracts of, 326
Debt adjustment or settlement xi, xii, 222
Debts, Payment of, 3, 4, 6, 15, 18, 25, 26, 27,
35, 45, 46, 48, 51, 57, 63, 64, 73, 82, 83,
93, 108, 112, 113, 114, 136, 139, 163, 172,
194, 195, 277, 299, 314, 341, 348, 354, 355
see also Tax Collection
see also "Act to adjust the Debts due from
this State"
Debtors accounts, 184
Decker, Frederick, 10
Deeds, Expenses of, 17
Deeds, Recording of, 250
Deer, Killing of, 286
Delarue, Augustus, 291
Delozier, Daniel, 142
Dennis, Benjamin, 195, 241, 311, 316
Robert, 69, 169, 195, 199, 240, 311, 316
Denny, James, 118
Robert, 35, 69, 70, 81, 99, 145, 173, 193, 216,
233. 298, 321, 334, 341, 344, 357
Capt. Robert, 44, 58, 129, 212, 252, 266, 287
Dent, George, 69, 78, 296, 297
George, Nanjemoy, 69, 170, 241, 312, 315
George, Jr., 165, 167, 268
Hezekiah, 8o, 214, 253, 269
John, 13, 69, 170, 241, 312, 315
Warren, 69, 170, 241, 312, 315
Denwood, John, 6
Deputy Auditor:
Account passed by, 5, 10, 18ff., 26, 34, 44,
52, 63ff., 67
Appointed, 35
Certificate adjusted by, 4, 27, 36, 45, 67
Salary paid, 22, 44, 50, 8 1, 104
Dickeson, Brittingham, 298
Dickinson, Henry, 34, 82
Dicks, John, 333
Diffidaffer, Daniel, 10
Elizabeth, 10