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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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304 "Journal of the Council"

Commission issued to James Tilghman jun'r and John Stevens Associate Justices of the
said County.

Thursday 29th.

The Council met.
Present as on yesterday.

On the Complaint of John Barney of Harford County, Ordered that the following Procla-
mation [be] issued:

By his Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esquire Governor of Maryland:

A Proclamation

Whereas it appears by the Deposition of Mr John Barney of Harford County that a certain
Hugh [p. 164] Kerma (Distiller) Lasley Curtis (Shoemaker) Mich'l Mucklehaney,
Distiller, John Buchanan, Shopkeeper, and James Woodburn, all of Harford County, did on
the twelfth day of this present Month of November come to the town of Havre de Grace in said
County armed with sticks, clubs and pistols, and broke open the Door of the House of the said
John Barney, and then and there beat bruised wounded and otherwise ill treated in a most
violent and unlawful manner the said John Barney and a certain Jarrett Cover of the said
County so as greatly to disable them, and also fired a Pistol at a negro man named London the
shot whereof greatly injured him: And Whereas it appears by the Oath of William Mitchell
to whom a warrant was issued to apprehend the said offenders, that they have resisted his
attempts to bring them to justice, with force, and carry Guns and other weapons with which
they threaten to destroy those who may endeavor to arrest them:

And Whereas it is obviously the Duty of the Executive to guard as much as may be against
the commission of such Enormeties [sic], and to bring such offenders, against the Laws and
Peace of Society, to Justice I have therefore thought proper by and with the advice of the
Council to issue this [p. 165] my Proclamation authorising and enjoining all Sheriffs
and other Officers of the Peace to apprehend and convey before some one of the Judges or
Justices within this State, the said Hugh Kerma, Lasley Curtis, Michael Mucklehaney, John
Buchanan and James Woodburn in Order that they may be dealt with according to Law, and I
do hereby exhort and require the good people of this State to be aiding and assisting the said
Officers in the execution of their duty.

Given at the City of Annapolis under the Seal of the State of Maryland this twenty ninth
Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two.

Thos S. Lee

By his Excellencys Command

T Johnson Jr Sec'y

God save the State

Monday 3d. December 1792
The Council met.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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