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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 241   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—ii Nov. 1793" 241

Present as on yesterday.

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.

Saturday 10th. December 1791

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Commissions issued to the following persons appointed Justices of the Peace.

Worcester County

James Selby, John Postley, Josiah Mitchell, John Pope Mitchell, Philip Quinton, Isaac
Marshall, [p. 14] William Parnell, Parnell Johnson, Outten Sturgis, Joshua Town-
send, Benjamin Dennis, John Holland and John Fassett.

Somerset County

Esme Bayley, John Williams, Gillis Polk, John Stewart, Levin Woolford, George Waters,
William Stevens, Henry Miles, William Stone, Samuel Smyley and James Elzey.

Calvert County

Walter Smith, William Ireland, Samuel Lane, Levin Mackall, William Reynolds, Frisby
Freeland, Thomas Harwood 3d, John Turner, John Clare, Rezin Estep, Jesse Jacob Bourne,
and James Hungerford.

The Council adjourned 'till Monday morning.

Monday 12 December 1791

The Hon'ble James Brice and

John Davidson Esquires attended.

Tuesday 13th. December 1791

The Council met.

Present The Hon'ble James Brice

John H. Stone

John Davidson Esquires

Commission issued to Walter Hanson, John Dent, Warren Dent, Richard Barnes, John
Parnham, [p. 15] Bennett Dyson, Benjamin Fendall, Henry Barnes, Alexander
McPherson, William Dent Briscoe, Henry Hendley Chapman, George Dent, Nanjemoy,
Benjamin Contee, Andrew Bayley, William Hanson McPherson, Henry Arundel Smith and
James Freeman appointed Justices of the Peace for Charles County.

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 14th. December 1791
The Council met.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 241   View pdf image (33K)
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