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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 69

Present—His Excellency William Smallwood Esqr. Governor
The Honorable Jeremiah Townley Chase
James Brice
John Kilty Esquires.

In Council 29th. December 1785

John Scott, Robert Maxwell, James Claypoole, and Thomas
Van Dyke, Justices of the Peace for Kent County, having represented
to this Board that Samuel Gott of Kent County was recognized in
the Sum of Ten pounds for his appearance to Testify against a certain
William Lamb who was presented for stealing Goods under the
value of 1000 lbs. of Tobacco, that the said Gott did attend at the
preceeding Term and several Days of the Term in which the said
Recognizance was forfeited when understanding that the Matter
wou'd. not probably come on, and having urgent business at a
distance, he went away, and in his absence his Recognizance was for-
feited, That the said Gott has a Wife and four Children, is in very
low Circumstances, and has already paid the Costs on an Execution
issued against him upon the said forfeited Recognizance, and having
recommended the said Gott as a proper Object of the Clemency of
Government, The Board taking into Consideration the above repre-
sentation do order and direct that the said Sum of Ten pounds on the
said forfeited Recognizance be remitted.

W. Smallwood
Jr. To'y. Chase
James Brice
John Kilty

In Council 29th. December 1785

George Williams of Talbot County having by his Petition to this
Board set forth that some Time in the year 1784 he became Security
in the Sum of Forty pounds Current Money for the appearance of
a certain Henry Williams, who had been indicted for two assaults
and Batteries, one committed on George Lee and the other on John
Scott; that said Henry Williams failed to attend the Court of Talbot
County according to the Terms of his Recognizance whereby the
said George Williams [p 85] was subjected to the Payment
of the said Sum of Forty pounds and the Costs of two Suits com-
menced on two Recognizances, that the said George Williams
brought in the said Henry Williams last November Court when he
submitted and was fined for the said Offences and the said George
Williams having prayed to be released from the Payment of the
sa;d forfeited Recognizances, and five of the Justices of Talbot
County having certified the said Facts to be true and recommended
the said George Williams as a proper Object of the Clemency of


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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