Veazy, William, 181, 185
Venables, Benjamin, 111, 193,
Venables, Joseph, 14, 82, 163,
231, 307
Vessels, Signals between, 212,
Vestates, Veniere, 130
Vice President of the United
States, Electors chosen, xix,
320, 321
Vickars, William, 190, 253
Vickars, William, 2d, 110
Victualing Office, 117
Vienna Warehouse, Dorchester
County, no, 174, 190, 253
Virginia, Cannon and military
stores for, 224
Virginia Assembly, 156
Wade, Zachariah, 107
Waddy, William, 111
Waggon Hire, Cost of, 89, 136
Wailes, Benjamin, 321
Wailes, Edward Lloyd, 291
Walker, Richard, 148
Wallace, Charles, 1-64, 98, 220,
317, 328
Wallace, James, 220
Wallace, Michael, 16, 79, 164,
234, 309
Wallace, Thomas, 192
Wallace and Company, 111
Wallace, Johnson and Muir, 117
Walley, Master, 291
Wally, Thomas, 328
Walsh, Ann, Mrs. Thomas, 276
Walsh, Thomas, 276
Walters, Robert, 225
Waltom, Fisher, 13
Ward, John, 309
Ward, William, 309
Ware, Francis, 52
Warfield, Charles, 17, 84, 164,
Warfield, Elisha, 167, 315
Warfield, Nicholas Ridgely, 187
Warfield, Captain Philemon, 225
Warrant for Land, 281
Warrants of Resurvey, 87, 194,
201, 266, 305
Washington, William, 262
Washington County: Inspectors
appointed, 131, 190
Washington County: Jail, 32
Washington County: Justices of
the Peace appointed, 18, 84,
167. 233
Washington County: Land as-
sessment, 08
Washington County: Land pur-
chased in, 311
Washington County: Orphans'
Court judges appointed, 18,
84, 167, 233
Washington County: Sheriff
elected, 54, 293
Washington County: Surveyor
appointed, 325
Washington County: Surveyor's
incompetency, 305
Waters, Arnold, 45
Waters, George, 14, 82, 163,
231, 307
Waters, James, 244
Waters, Philip, 244, 245
Waters, Richard, Jr., 14, 82-83
Watkins, Benjamin, 284
Watkins, James, 284
Watkins, Mary, 45
Watkins, Nicholas, 100, 148
Watts, Henry, 289
Webb, Peter, 163, 312
Weems, Col. John, 203
Wehrly, George, 301
Wells, George, 44, 119
Wells, Richard, 244
Wells, William, 115, 138, 146,
Wells's Warehouse, Queen
Anne's County, 100, 183,
Welsh. George, 58
Wesenthal, Charles, 11
West, Alexander, 288
West, Nathaniel, 3:0
West, Stephen, 2, 113, 312
Western Shore Treasurer sec
Treasurer of the Western
Whaley, Captain, 224
Wharton, Thomas, 29
Wheeler, Ignatius, Sr., 17
Wheeler, Ignatius, Jr., 17, 84,
93, 164
Whetcroft, Burton, 150, 185
Whetcroft, William, 11
White, Charles, 100
White, John, 31, 178, 189, 210,
221, 241, 254, 286, 304
White, Oliver, 17
White, Thomas, 285
White, Vachel. 34
White's Warehouse, Dorchester
County, 110, 190, 253
Whittington, William, 105, 193
Widows, Act for relief of, 106,
115, 124, 137, 138
Wiesenthall, Dr. Charles Fred-
erick, 38, 103
Wilkenson, Joseph, 85, 165,
234, 328
Wilkins, William, 38
Wilkinson, Joseph, 20
Willey, Waitman, 232
Willpy, William, 232
Williams, Basil, 160, 309
Williams, Lt. Esaw, 117
Williams, George, 69, 70
Williams, Henry, 69, 70
Williams, James, 93, 317
Williams, John, 14, 82, 83, 163,
184, 231, 307
Williams, Joseph, 131
Williams, Lilburn, 59
Williams, Otho H., 57, 268
Williams, Peter, 179
Williams, Walter, Jr., 46
Williams, Thomas C., & Co., 40
Wiiliamson, James, 160
Willing, Morris and Swanwick,
116, 119, 129, 137, 143, 151,
155, 158, 160, 169
Willson, Samuel, 109
Wilmer, John Lambert, 98
Wilmot, John, 121, 136, 181,
228, 254
Wilson, Daniel, 74
Wilson, Henry, 106
Wilson, James, 46, 102
Wilson, Joseph, 18, 84, 166, 233,
307, 313.
Wilson, Levin, 14
Wilson, Robert, 295, 297, 300
Winder, John, 14
Winder, William, 14, 82, 163,
231, 307
Winder, William, Jr., 163
Winter, Walter, of John, 19, 22
Witchcraft, Belief in, 171
Witnesses: Attendance as, 61,
Witnesses, Cost of, 300
Wood, Henry, 4
Wood in Auditor's Office, 170
Wood for General Assembly, 87,
136, 175, 177, 218. 298
Wood for public, 158
Wood for public offices, 147,
218, 278, 304
Wooding, John, 325
Woodland, John, 15, 83, 165,
2,33, 312
Woodmancy, John, 275
Woodroof, James Sellman, 312
Woolfnrd, Levin, 14, 82, 163,
184, 231, 307
Wooton, Richard, 18, 84, 166,
Worcester County: Coroners
appointed, 13, 81
Worcester County Court, 171,
Worcester County: Inspectors
appointed, 108, 199, 255
Worcester County: Jail, 171
Worcester County, Justices of
the Peace appointed, 13, 82,
163, 231
Worcester County: Justices of
the Peace. Qualifications of
challenged, 70, 73
Worcester County: Land assess-
ment, 98
Worcester County: Orphans'
Court judges appointed, 13,
82, 163, 231, 306
Worcester County: Petition,
171, 306
Worcester County: Proclama-
tion delivered to Sheriff of,
Worcester County: Sheriff
elected, 55, 293
Workmen on public buildings,
Discharge of, 150