Stiles, Joseph, 46
Stitcher, Harman, 153
Stoddert, Benjamin, 129
Stoddert, Benjamin C, 18
Stolen Goods, Fine for, 69
Stone, John H., xvi, 1-64, 88,
115, 116, 119, 128, 129, 147,
173, 188, 210, 235, 240, 260,
280, 300
Stone, John H., & Co., 129, 155,
158, 169
Stone, Michael Jenifer, 320, 321,
Stone, William, 307
Street, Francis, 29
Stringer, Richard, 86
Stromat, John, 199
Stull, Daniel, 293
Stull, John, 84, 167, 233
Sturgis, Outten, 231
Sturgis, Zadock, 293
Sueman, Aaron, 108
Sullivan, Gov., 183
Sullivane, Daniel, 312
Sullivane, James, 98, 194
Summons, Issuance of, 295, 296
Sundries, Payment of bill for, 92
Survey of land, 87, 304, 306, 313
Surveyor, Complaint against,
Surveyor, Resignation as, 96
Surveyors: Appointment of,
xvii, 297
Surveyors, Appointment of: see
under individual counties
Susquehannah River, 81, 213
Sutton, William, 109
Swanwick, Willing and Morris,
see Willing, Morris and
Sweeping public offices, Salary
for, 174
Swift, Mr., 28
Syday, Simon, 180
Sydebotham, William, 44, 119
Tabbs, Barton, 19, 85, 165, 168,
Talbot County: Coroners ap-
pointed, 2, 81, 186, 306, 309
Talbot County: Coroner's resig-
nation, 297
Talbot County Court, 69, 245-
Talbot County: County Court
judges appointed, 312
Talbot County: Inspectors ap-
pointed, 100, 182, 253
Talbot County: Justices of the
Peace appointed, 13, 81, 163,
234. 312
Talbot County: Land assess-
ment, 98
Talbot County: Orphans Court
judges appointed, 13, 81,
163, 234, 312
Talbot County: Petition, 69, 245
Talbot County: Proclamation
delivered to Sheriff of, 321
Talbot County: Register o:
Wills appointed, 29, 192
Talbot County: Sheriff elected
56, 294
Talbot County Court Proceed-
ings, xii
Talbot Town Armourer, Ap-
pointment of, 194
Talbots Manor, Survey of, 101
"Taskers Chance," Frederick
County, 312
Tavern license, 153, 310, 318-319
Tavern license: see also liquor
Tax collection, 266, 269
Taylor, Lt. John, 118
Taylor, Thomas, 107
Taylor, Walter, 313
Taylor, William, 190
Taylors Landing Warehouse,
Anne Arundel County, 148
Tender laws, xv, xviii
Tents, Purchase of, 126
Tents, Use of, 209
3rd District, 57
3rd Regiment, 128, 230, 248
Thomas, Mrs., 23
Thomas, James, 13, 81, 163, 312
Thomas, John, 83, 165, 182, 233,
253, 312
Thomas, John, Jr., 81, 100
Thomas, John A., 122, 123, 131
Thomas, Philip, 76, 132
Thomas, Dr. Philip, 320, 321
Thomas, Richard, 98, 114
Thomas, William, 178
Thompson, James, 53
Thompson, John, 14, 30, 83, 164,
232, 293, 294, 296, 297, 313
Thompson, Col. John, 300
Thompson, John D., 16, 79, 98,
Thompson, Richard, 18, 84, 166,
233, 307
Thompson, Dr. Samuel, 296
Thompson, Thomas A., 265
Thomson, Charles, 152, 182,
183, 256, 323
Tilghman, Isaiah, 231
Tilghman, James, 295
Tilghman, Matthew, 98
Tilghman, William, 320, 321
Tillard, Thomas, 114
Tillard, William, 100, 188
Tilly, Ann, 172
Tipton, Jonathan. 7
Tobacco, Fine levied in, 5, 8,
142, 172, 182, 202, 213, 236,
237, 245, 255, 260, 270, 271,
273, 275, 277, 278, 282, 283,
285, 286, 309, 310, 315, 310,
325, 326
Tobacco, Theft of, 204
Tobacco, Loans on, xviii, 112
Tobacco Inspection, 96, 102
Tobacco Inspectors: see under
individual counties
Todd, Thomas, 18, 84, 166, 233
Tom Creek Warehouse, St.
Mary's County, no
Tongue, Thomas, 86, 167, 314
Tootel, James, 317
Town Creek, St. Mary's County,
Townsend, Joshua, 55
Town send, Thomas, 128. 283
Townshend, Major, 108, 199, 255
Townshend, Joshua, 13
Townshend, Solomon Wilson,
Treasurer of the Western
Shore, 4, 18, 20, 34, 82, 86ff ,
89, 91ff., 97ff., 106ff., 113ff.,
124ff., 131, 132, 134ff.,147ff.,
155ff., 168ff., 184ff., 188ff.,
194, 198 ff., 203, 204, 208ff.,
212ff., 220ff., 227ff., 235ff.,
239ff., 246ff., 254ff., 258ff.,
269, 274, 275, 279ff., 283ff.,
295ff., 308, 310, 313, 315,
316, 321, 324ff., 330, 331
Treaties: 152
Treaty between United States
and Morocco, 212, 220
Treble Tax, Collection of, 63
Troop of Horse, Raising of, 152
Tubman, Richard, 303
Tumbleson, Evan, 120
Turner, Joshua, 108
Turner, Thomas, 24
26th Battalion of Milita, 52
Unicorn (ship), 57
United Netherlands, Consul
from, 78
U.S. Board of Treasury Com-
missioner of Accounts, 31
U.S. Congress, 27, 152
U.S. Constitution: Ratification
of, xix
U.S. House of Representatives,
xix, 323, 326, 327
Upper Marlboro Warehouse,
Prince George's County,
101, 148
"Upton Park," Anne Arundel
County, 311
Valk, Adriaan, 78
Van Bibber, Abraham, 15, 18,
84, 166, 233
Van Bibber, Isaac, 15, 18, 84,
98, 166, 233
Vanderen, Charles, 295, 207, 300
Vanderford, George, 296, 297,
Vandyke, Thomas, 15, 16, 69,
Van Horn, Gabriel Peterson,
Vanstaphorst, Messrs., 152, 173,
174, 205, 206, 256, 266, 305
Vanstaphorst, Jacob, 138, 141
Vanstaphorst, Nicholas, 138, 141
Vaughan, Christopher, 18
Veazy, John Ward, 16, 146