308 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.
William Hindman Esquire elected a Member of the
Council attended and qualified before James Brice Esquire one of the
Aldermen for the City of Annapolis, by taking the several Oaths re-
quired by the Constitution and Form of Government and Laws of
this State, and making a Declaration of his belief in the Christian
Religion, Certificate thereof produced and filed.
The Honorable John Davidson Esquire attended.
Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Price
twenty four Pounds Current Money due him per Account passed by
the Auditor General.
The Petition of William Bryan of Anne Arundel County praying a
remission of a fine of forty shillings imposed by the General Court
is rejected.
[p 9] In Council December nth. 1788
William Sinclair of Calvert County by his Petition to the Board
sets forth that he has been fined on three several Presentments in the
sum of six pounds each, for retailing spiritous liquors contrary to
Law, and by transcripts from the proceedings of the Court of the said
County, it appears that two of the said fines were imposed at the
April term 1786 and the other at the September term in the same
year. The Petitioner represents that he is a native of Ireland, and
that the aforesaid Offences were committed soon after his arrival
in the Country, and before he had obtained a knowledge of the Law
that restrains the sale of Spiritous liquors without licence, and prays
therefore that the Board will releave him. The Board in consideration
of the Recommendation of four Magistrates of the said County, who
certify their belief of the facts set forth, and adverting to the Costs the
Petitioner has incurred on the Presentments, do order that of the
above three fines making in the whole eighteen pounds, the sum of
twelve pounds be and the same is hereby remitted.
J. E. Howard
James Brice
John Davidson
Wm. Hindman
John Kilty
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.
Friday 12th. December 1788
The Council met.
Present His Excellency John Eager Howard Esquire.
The Honorable James Brice
John Davidson
William Hindman
John Kilty Esquires.