Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 29
Friday 22d. April 1785
The Council met.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor.
The Honorable
Aquila Paca, John Davidson and Sam'l. T. Wright Esquires.
Commission issued to James Bracco appointed Register of Wills
for Talbot County in the room of John Bracco who has resigned,
and also to David Davis Barrow appointed Surveyor of Talbot
County in the room of Wm. Davis deceased.
Thomas Riche of Philadelphia having Lodged with this Board
attested Duplicates of two Bonds against the Confiscated Estate of
James Chalmers, the first bearing date the 23d. Day of June 1766
for one hundred and forty one pounds Pennsylvania Currency, and
the second [p 34] dated the 24th. Day of March 1775 for
one hundred pounds Current Money of Pennsylvania, and also
Francis Streets order on Mr. Chalmers in favor of Thomas Wharton
for forty eight pounds fifteen shillings dated the 31st. December, and
accepted by the said Chalmers to be paid in six weeks from the Eighth
of January following which became by Assignment the property of
Mr. Riche And whereas Mr. Chalmers having appeared before this
Board and produced Mr. Riches Letters and Accounts, and also his
Claims against Mr. Riche, by which he made it appear clearly to
the full Satisfaction of the Board that his Claims against Mr. Riche
overbalance the aforesaid Bonds and Order, and as it is necessary
those papers should be left in our Possession, We think it proper to
give in writing to Mr. Chalmers this our Opinion and Determination
against the Claims which Mr. Riche hath presented to the Commis-
sioners of this State for the preservation and Sale of Confiscated
property against the Estate of the said Chalmers.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.
Saturday 23d. April 1785
The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.
Whereas it appears by the Petition of Amos Ball of Baltimore
County preferred to this Board, that he was fined by a Militia Court
Martial of the said County, four pounds, sixteen shillings and two
pence for neglecting to attend Muster on Notice of the Captain of a
Company of Militia to which he belonged, a Sum which he is by
no means able to pay without injuring his whole Family very ma-
terially, which are large and very indigent, That he had set out from
Home to attend the said Company of Militia, at a time when his
wife was extremely ill, and incapable of assisting herself, and should
certainly have attended, had not he met with an Acquaintance on
whose word he thought he could rely, and he informed him that the