Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 27
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning n o'clock.
Wednesday 13th. April 1785
The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.
Resolved that the Resolutions of Congress of the 17th. March
last be published in the News papers of this State, for five Weeks
and that Twenty Copies for each County be printed and dispersed.
The Council adjourned till Saturday 16 April instant.
Saturday 16 April 1785
The Council met.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor.
The Honorable
Aquila Paca, John Davidson and Samuel T. Wright Esquires.
A Petition from John Ake and Amelia Ake of Frederick County,
was laid before the Board, setting forth, that they were recognized
to appear as Witnesses against a certain Jacob Ake who was charged
with the Murder of a certain Joseph Ipe, that they were prevented
from attending the Court, to which the Recognizances were returned,
by the illness of the said Amelia Ake Wife of the said John, she being
at that time in Child-bed, that as other Witnesses did attend and
were sworn to the Grand Jury, and no presentment made against
the said Jacob, they the said Jacob and Amelia, from their ignorance
of Judiciary Proceedings neglected to attend at the succeeding Court,
whereby their Recognizances became forfeited and Executions issued
thereon, that they were taken in Execution and must be committed
to the Gaol in satisfaction thereof unless the Governor and Council
would grant a Remission of the said forfeitures, That the said Peti-
tioners [p 32] further set forth that hearing their attendance
was still necessary, they did actually attend and were sworn to the
Grand Jury, and that the said Jacob Ake has since been discharged,
there being no Presentment against him, and five of the Justices of
Fred'k County Court, having represented their Indigent circum-
stances, and the distress in which they and their Family would be
involved, and recommending a Remission of their forfeited Recog-
nizance, The Board are of Opinion the said forfeitures be remitted
and do order and direct a Remission accordingly.
Wm. Paca
Aql. Paca
John Davidson
Sam'l T. Wright
The Council adjourned 'till Tuesday next.