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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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176 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.

Wednesday 28th. February 1787

The Council met.

Present as on Yesterday.

Robert Orr of Caecil County having by his Petition set forth that
he at last Caecil June Court, he together with a certain Robert Crook-
shanks as his Security entered into Recognizance in the sum of Ten
pounds each for his the said Orr's personal appearance at the said
Caecil County Court to be held in October to answer a Presentment
for selling one Jill of Rum without Licence, that at the said October
Court he the Petitioner was thro' Sickness, unable to attend at which
time the Recognizances were forfeited and Executions issued re-
turnable to the next Court. The Board [p 213] taking: into
Consideration the cause of his the Petitioner's not appearing agree-
able to the tenor of his Recognizance, his Expences attending the
forfeitures, and his poverty as certified by three of the Justices of
the said County, who have also recommended a remission of the for-
feitures, do direct that the forfeitures on the said Recognizances both
Orrs and his Security's be remitted and they are hereby accordingly

James Brice
John Kilty
John Davidson

Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Randolph B.
Latimer Thirty one pounds, five shillings current money due him
for a quarter's Salary as Deputy Auditor the 1st. Instant.

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.

Thursday 1st. March 1787

His Excellency William Smallwood Esquire.

The Honorable James Brice and John Davidson Esquires attended.

Friday 2d. March 1787

The Council met.

Present His Excellency William Smallwood Esquire.

The Honorable James Brice

John Kilty

John Davidson Esquires.

Commission issued to John Nicholson appointed Register of Wills
of Kent County by the General Assembly at their last Session.
Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to John Davidson


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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