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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
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     Abbington, Andrew, St. Mary's       Of May 16, 1676, Relating     Pope, dec'd, 59; see also Al-
        County gentleman, 42-43, 43,       to servants and slaves, 40,        vey, Ann, admrx.
        66, 74, 106, 143, 173, 225,        141-142, 144, 167, 171, 197,    Alward, John, 239, 256, 269, 356;
        246, 248, 251, 253; see also       453, 455; see also Archives        see also Aylward.
        Table of Cases.                    11, 523-528.     Alwood, John, Charles County,
     Abbot, Edward, 219.                Act of Parliament, April 22,     205.
      George, of Calvert County;           1539-April 21, 1540, 31 Hen.    Amercement, Failure to impose,
        see Table of Cases.                VIII, C. 30, concerning the        140.
     Abington, John; see Table of          ill-joining of issue, 236. Andrew, George, 147.
        Cases.          February 4 [, 1588], 31 Eliza- Anktill if rancis, 460.
      Thomas; see Table of Cases.          beth, Concerning informers,     Anne (‘ship), of London, 69.
     Absconding of oneself, 15, 6o,        122-123.    Anne Arundel County, Coroner
        339, 361; see also Not found     21 James, Place of commission        of, 200; see also Archives
     Account of Addison-Cordea             of offenses, 123.        LXIX, 133.
        goods seized by Rousby, 405,     1664, i5, Charles II, for trade    Court day in, 11.
        407.              in English bottoms, 20.  Court house of, at the Ridge,
      Drawing up of, 267.                13 & 15 Charles II, C. 7 For    11.
      Failure to give, xii.                preventing frauds in his    Court of, attorneys in, 9, 10,
      For attorney's fees, 437.            Majesty's customs, 20.
      Production of, in court, I, 3,    Adams, Richard, of Cecil  Judgment in, 6.
        25, 150, 171, 260, 271, 378-       County, 223.      Sheriff of, 6, 61, 79, 100, 105,
        379, 409-410, 416, 461.          Richard, Dorchester County,     184, 200, 212, 215, 216, 293,
       Readiness to give, 377-378. 223.
                               333, 457; see also Welsh,
     Acknowledgment of satisfaction, Thomas, 117. John; ffrancklin, Robert;
        43, 54, 179, 184, 361, 369, Addison, Mr. 196, 197.  Archive: LXIX, 133.
      458.              John, St. Mary s County
    Act of Assembly of October 20, gentleman and merchant, Under sheriff of, 390; :ee also
        1678, against disposing of 105, 117, 155, 169, 185, 287, Betenson, Edmund.
        tobacco received by the             243, 386, 463, 464; see also   Anne Arundel Manor, 304, 447.
        sheriff and others, 235, 236;       Table of Cases. Annunciation, Feast of (March
        see also Archive: VII, 77.       Adkins, Richard, dec'd, 212; see     25), 304.
       Of April 17, 1661, for the ap-       also ffisher, Thomas, adr.     Appeal from County court, 30,
        pointment of certain officers,   Adloes (Edloe?), Joseph, 258;        47, 75, 78, 112, 128, 132, 178,
        346, 362, 455, 457, see also        see also Edloe.    235, 371, 373; :ee al:o coun
        Archive: I, 411-412.             Administrator, Liability of, 277.    ties concerned.
       Of April 13, 1674, Concerning     Admiralty, Case in, 20. Appeal, Delay in filing, 130, 134.
        the impanelling of the grand     Affreightment, Articles of, 425.   Difference between, & writ of
        inquest, 455; see also Ar-       Aifros of his cart, Reservation      error, 236.
        chives II, 392, 462.                of, from attachment, 268. Appertainance to land, 184, 247.
       Of April 13, 1669, for the limi-  Aldred, Samil; see Table of  Apple trees, Planting of, 87.
        tation of certain actions, 129,     Cases.     Appraisal of goods attached, 32,
        389; see also Archives II,       Alexander, Hannah, of Tread-        58, 462-463.
        201-202.          avon, 330; see also Holland, Arbitrators, Award by, 240-241,
       [April 27, 1669], concerning         Hannah; Table of Cases.      243, 265, 405-406.
        attachments, 31, 35, 39, 45,     “Alexanders Place”, Dorchester     failure to make, 240, 262, 404,
        57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 113, 165,       County, 220, 222, 224, 225.       406.
        179, 180, 183, 193, 216, 217,    Alford, John; see Table of    Choice of, 403.
        336, 339, 344, 369, 440, 446,       Cases.     Archer, Peter; see Table of
        450, 462; see also Archive:       John, of Dorchester County,    Cases.
        II, 206-209.      169, 191, 193, 456; see also
       Of May 16, 1676, for the limi-       Table of Cases. Armiger, Thomas, 137.
        tation of officers' fees, 200,   Alien, Ineligibility of, for jury Arrears of rent, 265, 266.
        461; see also Archive: II,          service, xviii, 357; see also  Arrest as bar to Jury service,
        532-537.          Foreigner.        105.
       Of May 15, 1676, concerning       Allen, John, dec'd, 215; see also  Fee for, 119.
        the publication of marriages,       English, Edward, admr.     Freedom from, while on duty,

        xxiii, 121-122; see also Ar-      Samuel, merchant of South-
        chive:, I, 442-443 ibid., II,       ampton, England; see Table      Writ of, 15, 35, 6o, 62, 63, 91,
        522-523.          of Cases.         93, 113, 130, 131, 135-36,
       Of October 20, 1678, For ap-      Allowance in lieu of freight &       138, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184,
        peals and regulating writs          customs, 271.      190, 192, 215, 216, 275, 317,
        of error, 128, 133, 134, 235;    Alvey, Ann, Mrs. Pope, admrx;        320, 335, 337, 345, 369, 391,
        see also Archive: VII, 71-          see Table of Cases; Alvey,        401, 407-408, 420, 421, 428,
        73.               Pope, dec'd.      449, 450.


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
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