Volume 70, Page 478 View pdf image (33K) |
478 Table of Cases. Thompson, George, at:. John ILewellin, 345-346, Watkines, Edward, a'. Wm. Hill & Jno. Phillips, 423-424,461. 27, 48, 104, 111. at:. Timothy Parker & Co., 218, 291, 329. Watkins, Edward, a'. Thomas Clipsham, 444. at:. Abraham Reid, 43, 51, 106-107, 246- v. John Phillips, 30, 49, 76. 253, 292. Watkinson, John, a'. Thomas Collins, xviii, 12 Thompson, Robert, at:. James, Neale, senr., 79, 13, 108-109, 173, 175, 178, 200-203, 233, 174, 175, 210. 348-359; see also Archive: LXIX, 401. Todd, Jane, a'. Margaret Gittings al Stagg, 62- [Watson,] Jane [Williams] ox., admrx. William 63; see also Archive: LXIX, 75. Williams, Watson, John, and, at:. John Tovey, Samuel, at:. Marmaduke Bowdler, 214, Bearcroft, 340; see also supra, 93-94. 347-348. Watson, John, & [Watson,] Jane [(Williams)] Towlson (Toulson), Thomas, at:. Joseph Pile, ux., admrx. William Williams, 340; see 28, 48, 68-71, 185-186. also :upra 93-94. Truman, Thomas, at:. John Abington, 30, 51, Weekes, Joseph, at:. Griffith Jones, 332, 372. 340, 373. Wells, George, at:. James Figett, 333. Trueman, Thomas, at:. Thomas Hagelton, 26, 46, Wells, Richard, at:. Morgan Jones, 26. 75, 172, 186, 207, 326, 371; see also Wheeler, James, at:. Thomas Hussey, 37. Archive: LXVI, LXIX. at:. John LeMarre, 331, 371. Turbervile, Gilbert, at:. Thomas Burnett, 177, White, John, at:. Marke Cordea, 445. 188, 210. Whitehouse, William, a'. Richard lLoyd, 444. Turner, Matthew, at:. Andrew Abingtonn, 449- Whittacre, William, at:. George Parker, 443. 450. Whittington, John, a'. William Hemsley, 213, Tyler, Robert, a'. John Grey, 439. 315-316, 326, 442. Tyrling, John, a'. Thomas Stonestreet, 444. a'. George Mathewes, 444. Tyte, George, a'. Joshua Guibert, 78, 174, 175. Wildblood, Joseph, at:. John ILewellin, 189. a'. Joshua Guibert, 78, 174, 175. Williams, Jane, admrx. Wm. Williams, at:. John Bearcroft, 37, 50, 93-94; see also Archive: Underwood, Anthony, a'. Teage Riggen, 445. LXVIII, 198-199. a'. Richard smithson, 38. Williams, Joshua, at:. Henry Lawrence & a'. Wm. Taylor, 78, 174, 187, 207, 302-304. ifmances [( ) Hyde] his wife, Uty, Susanna, a'. John Nickols, 30, 48, 75, extrx. Henry Hyde, 193. 134. Willis, John, exr. Wm. Salisbury, at:. Henry a'. John Nickols, 30, 75, 126-131. Stockett & James Stavely, admrs. Thos. Salmon, 53, 63, 101-102. Vansweareingen, Garrett, a'. John Edmondson, Wilmer, Simon, at:. Nicholas Painter, 28, 5!, 443. 76. a'. Jonathan Sibrey, 443. Wilmer, Simon, agent of Capt. Richard Perry, a'. Thomas Taylor, 215, 322-323. at:. John Darnall, 54, 112, 165-166, 195. at:. Henry Lewis, 332, 374. Wilmott, John, at:. William Howes, 213. Windowe, William, at:. Martha Ridgely [Mrs. at:. Thomas Sprigg, 52, 96-97. Robert], 333. Vaughan, Thomas, at:. Henry Brent, 346. Wood, John, at:. Joseph Eaton, 30, 5!, 77, 173, at:. William Coursey, 324. 187, 253-254, 316, 450. at:. John Edmondson, 338, 372. Worth, John, at:. John Llewellin, 333, 431. at:. the Proprietary, 363. Wright, John, at:. Robert Skinner, 330, 372, 445. at:. Lancelot Talbott, 452. Wright, Solomon, at:. George Parker, 443. at:. Robert Yeates & William Jones, 43 Wynne, John, at:. William Jones, 52, 77, 174, 187, 44, 214, 279-280, 328. 210. Wynne, Thomas, a'. Arthur Hart, 192. Wade, John, at:. William Harris, 162-163, 451. a'. Andrew Insley, 53. Wadecar (Waddecar), William, at:. John Bird, at:. William Boareman, 212. 330, 428. at:. Thomas Griffin, 443. Wahoope, Archibald, at:. Philip Hoskins, ‘77, at:. Clement Hill, 52, 112. 188, 210. Walkden, James, a'. Thomas Errington, 51, 93. Yate, George, at:. Henry Brent & [Ann (Cal- Walls, John, a'. James Mills, 438. vert) Brooke,] ux., extrx. Baker Brooke, at:. James Mills, 333, 372. 79, 176. at:. James Mills, 333, 372, 415417, 425 Yeabesly, Thomas, a'. Richard Gardiner, 29, 59, 427, 463-464. 91, 194. at:. James Mills, 333, 372. Yeates, Robt, & Jones, Wm., a'. John Edmond Walls, John, Pemberton, Thomas, &, a'. James son, 278-279, 338. Mills, 438, 458, 461. a'. Thomas Vaughan, 43-44, 214, 279-280, Ward, Henry, at:. Jonathan (Sibrey) Sybrey, 328, 338. 214, 330, 428. Yoakely, Michael, v. John Blomfield, 445. Warren, Ignatious, at:. Robert Carvile, 113, 174, a'. Lawrence Knowles, 443. 210. Yore, James, at:. Stephen Murty, 343, 421-422, Warring, Bassill, at:. if rancis Buxton, 53. , 453-454. |
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