Liber W. C.
Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said parties by their
Attorneys aforesaid And the said Miles by his said Attorney saith,
that he did not assume upon himselfe nor to the said James make
such promise as the said James hath above imposed upon him And
of this he putts himselfe upon the Countrey And the said James
likewise Therefore itt is corhanded the Sheriffe of St Maryes County
that he cause to come here twelve &c by whom &c and who neither &c
to recognize &c because as well &c which jurors being impanneld &
called came to witt John Evans, Richard Sweatnam, Antho Evans,
Nicholas Hacket, Robert Smith, John Watson, Theophilus Turford,
James Harrison, Robert Graham, Henry Penniston, Richard Hill &
Richard Royston, who being Elected tryed & sworne to say the truth
in the prmisses upon their Oaths doe say that the said Miles Grey
did assume upon himselfe & to the said James Lewis make such
promise as the said James hath above imposed upon him And they
assesse the damage of the said James Lewis to foure hundred pounds
of tobacco. And thereupon the said Miles by his Attorney aforesaid
moved the Court in Arrest of judgmt upon the Verdict of the jurors
aforesaid, whereupon day is given to both parties untill next Provin-
tiall Court
Now here att this day to witt the fourteenth day of ffebry in the
fifth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord Balte-
more &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said parties by their Attorneys
aforesaid And the said Miles Grey by his Attorney aforesaid fileth
his reasons for Arresting the judgemt aforesaid which followes Viz
Reasons for Arresting the judgemt in this cause The plaintiff e
declares against the Defendt that he haveing a guelding in the De-
fendts possession of the Value of two thousand pounds of tobacco, &
haveing six hundred & ninety pounds of beefe & ninety five pounds
of porke & foure barrells & halfe of Corne in the possession of
Randall Revell in Somrsett County which horse meat & Corne he was
minded to haue transported over to the plaintiffes plantacSn, &
haueing comunication, with the Defendt about the same the Six-
teenth day of Decembr One thousand six hundred Seventy seven in
considercon that the plaintiffe would sell & deliuer him a woman
Servant named Bridgett who had about five yeares to service, the
Defendt did assume to pay the plaintiffe a Mare & a Coult then
ready downe, & would pay him att his plantacon in St Michaels
hundred one hundred pounds of good salted sound porke, & transport
over for the said plaintiffe the gelding the six hundred & ninety
pounds of beefe & ninety fiue pounds of porke, & the foure barrels
& halfe of Corne, & the same would deliver & putt on shoare att or
before the fifteenth day of ffebruary then following, the plaintiffe
trusting to his promise delivered the Servant, yet notwithstanding the
Deft hath not paid the One hundred pounds of porke, nor the geld-