the said Miles about the transporting & bringing over thereof, in
the sloope of the said Miles, the said Miles the sixteenth day of
Decembr in the year e of our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy
seven in consideration that the said James would sell & deliuer unto
him the said Miles one woman Servant named Bridget for the tyme
she had then to serve the said James being about five yeares, the
said Miles did assume upon himselfe & to the said James did faith-
fully promise, that he the said Miles would pay unto him the said
James one mare & Colt then ready down And also would pay &
deliuer unto the said James att the plantacon of the said James
scituate in st Michaels Hundred in St Maryes County aforesaid one
hundred pounds of salted well saved sound porke And also transport
over unto the said James plantacon from Somrsett County aforesaid
the said Guelding six hundred & ninety pounds of beefe, ninety fiue
pounds of porke & foure barrells & halfe of Indian Corne, & the same
att the plantation of the said James aforesaid in St Michaels hun-
dred in St Maryes County aforesaid would deliuer & putt on shoare
att or before the fifteenth day of ffebruary then next following And
the said James in fact, saith, that trusting to the faithfull promise &
assumpcon of the said Miles to him the said James so as aforesaid
in this behalfe so as aforesaid made, he the said James the said Six-
teenth day of Decembr the said woman Servant named Bridget to
him the said Miles for the tyme she had then to serve the said James
being about five yeares did sell & deliver Notwstanding which the
said Miles Grey his promise & assumpcon so as aforesaid made not
reguarding, but deviseing & fraudulently intending him the said James
in this behalfe craftily & subtily to deceive and defraud, the said
Miles the said one hundred pounds of porke to him the said James
according to his promise & assumption aforesaid hath not paid nor
delivered, nor the said Guelding six hundred & ninety pounds of
beefe, ninety five pounds of porke and foure barrells & a halfe of
Indian Corne out of Somrsett County aforesaid to the plantation of
the said James in St Michaels hundred in St Maryes County afore-
said hath not transported, but the same porke to pay, the said Gueld-
ing, six hundred & ninety pounds of beefe, ninety five pounds of
porke & foure barrells & halfe of Indian Corne to transport accord-
ing to his promise aforesaid hath refused & denyed although often
thereunto requested, & to pay & transport the same as yet doth refuse
and deny to the damage of the said James three thousand pounds of
Liber W. C.