398 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
forty two pounds of good sound bright and Large Tobacco in
Caske to Containe the same, wch to him hee oweth and unjustly
detaineth; Att wch said ffif teenth day of ffebruary William Boare-
man gentl Sheriffe of the County aforesaid made Returne of the
writt aforesaid in these words following Viz Non est inventus
Whereupon the said William Diggs by Robert Ridgely his Attorney
prayed an attachmt agt the goods Chattles & debts of ye said John
Manley according to an Act of Assembly in that case made & Pro-
vided, and Itt is granted by the Court here
p. 365 Eman" Ratliffe
Thomas Penroy
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of st Maryes
County that hee attach any the goods or Chattles
of Thomas Penroy late of st Maryes County Mar-
rinr If otherwise called Thomas Penroy Master of
the Ketch Prosperous of London (If they should bee found in his
Baliwick) to the Vallue of Two thousand ffoure hundred and two
Pounds of Tobacco, and when hee had the same so attached or any
part thereof the same in his Custody to Keepe untill the said Thomas
Penroy should by himself or his Attorney appeare here the fifteenth
day of ffebruary in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right
Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680 to answere
unto Emanuel Ratliffe in a plea that hee Render unto him the full &
Just Quantity of Two thousand ffoure hundred and two pounds of
good sound Marchantable Tobacco and Casqj wch to him hee oweth
and unjustly detaineth
On wch said ffif teenth day of ffebruary Major William Boareman
sheriffe of the County aforesaid made returne of the writt aforesaid,
That by vertue thereof, Hee hath Attached one Grey Gelding of the
proper goods of the said Thomas Penroy, wch was appraised to Eight
hundred Pounds of Tobacco for the use of the said Emanuel Ratliffe
Richard Metcalfe
Emanuel Jenkinson
Emanuel Jenkinson late of Talbott County
Marchant was Sumoned to Answere unto Rich-
ard Metcalfe of the Citty of Yorke in the King-
dome of England Marchant of a plea that hee
Render unto him the said Richard his Reasonable accompt Of the
time wherein hee was Receiver of the Tobacco of him the said
Richard, and whereof an Accompt to him the said Richard hee
ought to Render
And Whereupon the said Richard by Christopher Rousby his
Attorney Sayth That Whereas the said Emanuel Jenkinson was
Receiver of the Tobacco of him the said Richard from the Twenty
fourth day of May in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred
Seaventy nine untill the five and Twentyeth day of March One thou-
sand Six hundred and eighty, and by the same time Received by the
hands of Thomas Masterman Divers and Sundry bills and Special-
tyes under the hands and seales of seaverall psons for Seaverall