Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 397
the Right honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &ca Annoq Dominj 1680
To answere unto William Brice of a Plea that hee Render unto him
the full and Just Sume of Nine thousand Pounds of good Sound
Marchantable Tobacco and Casq wch to him hee oweth & Unjustly
detaineth, Att wch said ffebruary Stephen Gary Sheriffe of the
County aforesaid made Returne of the writt aforesaid, in these
words following viz (Non est inventus) Whereupon the said Wil-
liam Brice by Robert Ridgely his Attorney Prayed an attachment
against the goods Chattles and debts of the said John Richardson
according to an Act of Assembly in that Case made and Provided,
and Itt is granted by the Court here
Liber W. C.
p. 364
Robert Ridgely
Richard Royston Admr
of William Crosse
IComand was given to the sheriff of Tal-
bott County that of the the goods and
Chattles of William Crosse gentt deceased
if they should bee found in his Baliwick
hee should Cause to bee made aswell the
Sume of Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco a Certaine debt Re-
covered against Richard Royston Admr of all and Singuler the
goods Chattles rights and Credits wch were of the said William
Crosse deceased att a Provinciall Court held here the six and Twenty-
eth day of Novembr Annoq Dominj 1680 by Robert Ridgely gentl
one of the Attorneys of the said Court whereof hee is Convict, as
also the Sume of ffive hundred fifty six pounds of Tobacco for
Costs of suite, and when hee had the same soe made as aforesaid
or any Part thereof the same in his Custody to Keepe Soe that hee
Should have the same here on the ffifteenth day of ffebruary in the
sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Bal-
temore &c Annoq Dom 1680 to Render to the said Robert Ridgely
On wch said ffifteenth day of ffebruary Thomas Vaughan Sheriffe
of the County aforesaid made Returne of the writt aforesaid in
these words following Viz
Executed p Tho: Vaughan Sher:
William Diggs Esq
John Manley
IComand was given to the Sheriffe of St Maryes
County that hee take John Manley late of St
Maryes County in the Province of Maryland
Clerke, otherwise called John Manley of West-
merland County m the Colony of Virginia gentl If hee should bee
found in his baliwick and him safe Keepe Soe that hee should have
his body here the ffifteenth day of ffebruary in the sixth yeare of the
Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Dominj 1680 To answere unto William Digges Esq one of the
Justices of this Court according to the Liberty's and priviledges to
such Justices and other Officers of the said Court allowed &c of a
plea that hee Render unto him the sume of ffour thousand and
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