Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 277
Wm Jones"
Wm Pyke
[The plt not appearing to prosecute his Suite agt the deft
[this Cause is dismissed by the Court
Liber W. C.
Wm Kidd
This Cause being Upon an appeale from Calvert
County Court, and the Court being informed by
George Parker Attorney for the plt, That the Comis"
of the said County Court have not Transmitted to the
Justices of this Court a Transcript of all the proceedings in this
Cause, Itt is Ordered that his Lopps Writt of Diminucon Issue, and
that the deft assigne new Erro™
November the 30th 1680
Then was Robert Carvile admitted by this Court Guardian to
Danll Moy Sonn of Richard Moy decd to psecute and defend for
him all manner of accons Whatsoever
Wm Smith }
Gerrard Slye
Gerrard Slye gentt Sheriffe of st Maryes County was p. 250
-Attached to answer e unto Wm Smith of a plea of
Trespasse of the Case.
And Whereupon the said Wm Smith by Robert
Car ville his Attorney Sayth That Whereas one Robert Neale of
st Maryes County the nine and twentyeth day of January in the
yeare of our Lord 1676 by his Certaine Writeing obligatory sealed
wth the seale of him the said Robert, acknowledged himself to bee
bound unto the said Wm Smith in the sume of Two thousand Six
hundred pounds of good Sound Marchantable Tobacco & Caske
to bee paid to the sd Wm Conveniently in Piccawaxen Creeke at or
before the Tenth day of December then next Ensueing, wch said
Two thousand six hundred pounds of Tobacco the said Robt though
often thereunto requested had not paid to the said William, ffor
Recovery of wch Said Sume of Two thousand six hundred pounds
of Tobacco The sd William Upon the thirteenth day of Aprill in the
Yeare of our Lord 1678 had prosecuted out of the Provll Court here
that is to say att the Citty of St Maryes a Certaine writt of his
Lopp the Lord Propry against the said Robert Neale of a plea that
hee Render unto the said Wm Smith the Said Sume of Two thou-
sand Six hundred pounds of Tobacco, To the sheriffe of St Maryes
County directed, By wch said writt his Lopp had Comanded the
said sheriffe that hee should take the said Robert Neale If hee
should bee found in his baliwick and him safe Keepe Soe that hee
should have his body before his Lopps Justices of the said Court
att St Maryes aforesaid the Eleaventh day of June then next to
answere the said Wm Smith of the plea aforesaid, and that hee
should have there the said Writt, By verture of wch said writt the
said Gerrard Slye then being Sheriffe of the said County of