276 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
that hee have his body here the three and Twentyeth day of Novem-
ber in the ffifth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles
Lord Baltemore &c Annoq? Dominj 1680 To answer unto James
Philips & Thomas Cannon in a plea that hee Render unto them the
full Sume and Just Quantity of One hundred and Twenty thousand
pounds of good sound Marchantable Tobacco, wch to them hee oweth
& Unjustly detaineth Att wch said three and Twentyeth day of
November Major William Boareman Sheriffe of the County afore-
said made Returne of the writ aforesaid as followeth Viz (Tarde)
Whereupon the said James Philips & Thomas Cannon by Robert
Ridgely their Attorney prayed an Attachment agt the goods Chattles
and debts of the sd George Gunnell according to Act of Assembly
in that Case made and Provided, & It is granted by the Court here
Thomas Parker
James Clayland
Thomas Vaughan sheriffe of Talbot County not
maveing the body of the deft here this Court is
amerced unto his Lopp ffoure pound Stert
p. 249 Wm Burges
Upon mocon made unto this Court by Robert Ridgely
Attorney for the deft who hath filed his bill of Com-
plaint against the plt for an Injuncon in this Cause,
It is Ordered that this Cause bee Stayed by Injuncon
untill the plt Shall put in his answere to the defts bill
Jno Butcher
John Hartwell
The Jury finding for the plt in this cause ffive hun-
dred pounds of Tot damages wth costs of suite, The
deft by Robert Ridgely his Attorney moved in ar-
rest of Judgmt, Whereupon day is given to both
ptyes untill next Provinciall Court
Lydia Solley
Collen Mackensey
This Cause being Upon a Writt of Error from
Charles County Court is Continued untill next
Provinciall Court
John Atkey
John Price
Vincent Lowe Esqr one of the Justices of this Court
informing the Court that this Cause is agreed, It is
ordered that this Cause bee Entred agreed Upon Record
Thomas Jones
Saml Dobson
The Jury finding for the deft in this Cause The
plt by Robert Ridgely his Attorney moved in arrest
of Judgmt, Whereupon day is given to both partyes
until next Provinciall Court
Mary Roe Exix of
Edward Roe
Thomas Mountfort
Neither plt nor Deft appearing, This Cause is
Dismissed by the Court