Vanswearingen of the Citty of st Mar[ies] Gentl of a plea that hee
Rendr unto him fforty three thousand one hundrd pounds of Tobacco
Wch to him hee oweth and Unjustly detaineth
And Whereupon the said Garret by Kenelme Cheseldyne his At-
torney sayth yt whereas the said John upon the fifth day of May
in the yeare of our Lord 1677 by his Certaine bond or Writeing
obligatory Sealed Wth the seale of him the said John and here in
Court produced whose date is the day and yeare abovesaid Did con-
fe[ss] and acknowledge himselfe to bee oweing and stand Justly
Indebted unto the said Garrat the Just and Neate Quantity of fforty
three thousand one hundred pounds of good sound Marchantable
Tobacco and Caske to bee paid to the said Garrat on all Demands,
Yet the said John the said sume of forty three thousand One hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco to him the said Garret according to the
said bond though often thereunto Required hath not paid or Satis-
fied but the same to pay or satisfie hath hitherto and still doth
Denye and Refuse, to the Damage of the said Garret Sixty thousand
pounds of Tobacco, & thereupon hee bringeth his Suite
And the said John by Robert Ridgely his Attorney Cometh and
Defendeth the force and Injury When &c, and prayeth the hearing
of the said Writeing obligaty and It is read unto him, & hee also
prayeth the hearing of the Condition of the said Writeing obligatory
and Itt is Read unto him in these words, The Condicon of this
obligation is Such that if the above bound John Quigley his heires
Executors admrs or assignes, shall well and truely pay and Deliver
unto the abovesaid Gerald Vanswearingen his heires Executors
admrs or assignes To say, five hundred Busshells of good Barley
Malt, ffifty busshells of wheate one hundred pounds of good hopps,
Two hundred pounds of good butter, three hundred pounds of good
Cheese, Three thousand pounds of Beef, one hundred pounds of
Candles One Teirce of Salmon, one barrell of Herrings, one Caske
of Pilchers, one hundred bushells of oates, To be paid and Delivered
unto the abovesaid Gerald Vanswearingen his heires Executors Admrs
or assignes at or upon the first Day of March next Ensueing the
date hereof, att st Maryes Landing, the Dangers of the Sea and
p. 198