by his Attorney aforesaid moved in arrest of Judgmt, Day is there-
upon given to both parties untill next Provll Court
Now here att this Day to witt the fourteenth day of May in the
ffifth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Domini 1680 Came the said part partyes by theire Attorneys afore-
said, And hereupon the Receipt aforesaid of the same Defendt
being Scene and Read, and Itt appearing unto this Court upon hear-
ing of the Cause That the same was fraudulently and Deceitfully
obtained, Therefore Itt is the Opinion and Judgment of this Court
that the same is noe good Receipt And Itt is granted that the said
Roger Baker take nothing by his writt but be in mercy for hie
false Claime thereupon and the said Michael Higgens may goe
thereof without Day, and that the said Michael Higgens may Re-
cover against the said Roger Baker The Sume of
pounds of Tobacco for his Costs and Charges by him about his
Defence in this behalfe Laid out and Expended
Maryland ss :
Att a Provincll Court held att the Citty of st Maryes the 13th day
of May in the fifth yeare of ye Dominion of the Rt honoble Charles
Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Domini 1680
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor
T-U u ble Thomas Taylor Esqr
The honoble< ,,. T T? r e r n '
Vincent Lowe Lsqr Surveyor gen"
George Talbott Esqr
Wm Digges Esqr