18 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber W. C.
Seize & apprehend the said Servant in Virga if he should finde any
difficulty in bringing him back into this Province to the said Richard,
then the said James the said Servant in the name & for the use of the
said Richard would sell & dispose for the best profit of the said
Richard either money or tobacco And the same pay or secure to be
paid to the said Richard, And the said Richard in fact saith, that
trusting to the promise & assumpcon of the said James to the said
Richard in this behalfe so as aforesaid made, he the said Richard
the tenth day of August in the yeare aforesaid did satisfie & pay unto
the said James the Sume of One thousand pounds of tobacco And
did giue unto him the said James full Power under his hand & seale
to take up & apprehend the said Servant in Virginia aforesaid, & if
he thought fitt there to Sell & dispose the said Servant in Virginia
aforesaid for the best profitt & advantage of the said Richard And
the said Richard further in fact saith, that the said James pursuant
to the said Agreemt the said first day of July in the yeare aforesaid
did arrive in Virginia aforesaid And the said Servant named John
Thompson did take upp & apprehend att Nominy in Virginia afore-
said And the said Servant by vertue of the power aforesaid to the
said by the said Richard given in manner & forme as aforesaid,
did Assigne transferr & sell for the tyme he had then to serve the
said Richard unto William Hardege of Nominy in the Colony of
Virga aforesaid Mrchant for the Sume of Six thousand pounds of
tobacco. Yet the said James his promise & assumpcon so as afore-
said made not reguarding, but contriveing & fradulently intending
him the said Richard of the same six thousand pounds of tobacco
p. 18
craftily & subtily to deceive & defraud, the Fifth day of August in
the yeare aforesaid the said Six thousand pounds of tobacco for the
Servant aforesaid in his owne name did secure, & the same to his
owne use did convert & dispose, And to make paymt of the same to
the said Richard although often thereunto required, hath denyed
& to doe the same as yet doth deny to the damage of the said Richard
twelve thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon he bringeth his
And the said James Harrison by Charles Boteler his Attorney
cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court, & itt is granted
unto him, the same day is given to the plaintiffe also
Now here att this day to witt the Eleventh day of Octobr in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord Bal-
temore &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said parties by their Attor-
neys aforesaid And the said James Harrison by his said Attorney
saith, that he did not promise & assume in manner & forme as the
plaintiffe above in his declaracon hath declared And of this he putts
himselfe upon the Countrey And the said plaintiffe likewise There-
fore it is comanded the Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he cause