Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679. 17
Quigley saith, that he by any thing before alleadged ought not to be
barred from haveing his action aforesaid against the said Richard
Sweatnam for the debt aforesaid, because he saith, that the said
Richard Sweatnam the said Sume of five thousand pounds of
tobacco to the said John according to the tenour of the said bill
obligatory hath not paid And this he prayes may be enquired of by
the Countrey. whereupon day is given to both parties untill next
Provinciall Court.
Now here att this day to witt the Eleventh day of Octobr in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said John Quigley by his
Attorney aforesaid, & offered himselfe against the said Richard
Sweatnam in the plea aforesaid, but the said Richard came not.
but made default Therefore itt is considered that the said John
Quigley recover against the said Richard Sweatnam as well the
Sume of five thousand pounds of tobacco debt As also five hundred
Seventy six pounds of tobacco costs of Suite And the Defendt in
mercy &c
Liber W. C.
Richard Johns
James Harrison
James Harrison late of Calvert County taylor was
Attached to Answer unto Richard Johns in a plea
of trespas upon the Case
And whereupon the said Richard Johns by
George Parker his Attorney complaineth, that whereas the said
Richard Johns The twentieth day of July in the yeare of our Lord p. 17
One thousand six hundred Seventy seven att the Clifts in Calvert
County in the said Province being possessed as of his own proper
Goods & Chattles of one certaine man Servant named John Thomp-
son a Taylor by trade neer two yeares to serve the said Richard, the
said Servant in the day & yeare aforesaid from the service of the said
Richard without the leave of the said Richard departed & ran away
And the said Richard being informed that the said Servant was fled
into Virginia, the said James Harrison the first day of July then next
following, in case the said Richard Johns him the said James would
satisfie & pay the Sume of one thousand pounds of tobacco for his
paines labour & trouble in goeing to Virginia to take up the said
Servant, & give unto him the said James full power under his hand
& Scale to take up and apprehend the said Servant in Virginia afore-
said And if the said James thought fitt to sell & dispose of the said
Servant in Virginia aforesaid, then to have full power to doe the
same the said James did assume upon himselfe & to the said Richard
did faithfully promise that he the said James would travell into
Virginia aforesaid & there looke after & by all lawfull wayes &
meanes endeavour to apprehend the said Servant, and if possible
bring him back into this Province, & deliver him to the hands &
possession of the said Richard. But if when he should chance to