Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 163
Baltemore afterwards to witt att a Provinciall Court holden att the
Citty of St Maryes the fourth day of March One thousand six
hundred seventy eight, by his writt of debt for the said twenty one
thousand seven hundred twenty & two pounds of tobacco impleaded
the same John Addison, whereupon in the same Court itt was pro-
ceeded, that the same Charles Lord Baltemore recovered against
the same John Addison as well the said twenty one thousand seven
hundred twenty & two pounds of tobacco debt aforesaid As also the
sume of five hundred & sixty pounds of tobacco costs of suite, by
force of which recovery the same Jno Addison as well the same
twenty one thousand seven hundred twenty & two pounds of tobacco
for debt As also the sume of five hundred & sixty pounds of tobacco
for costs of suite in forme aforesaid recovered to the said Charles
Lord Baltemore the twelfth day of March in the yeare aforesaid
paid. Notwithstanding which the same Marke Cordea though often
requested the same John Addison against the same Charles Lord
Baltemore of the same twenty one thousand Seven hundred twenty
& two pounds of tobacco whereof he putt himselfe pledge against
the same Charles Lord Baltemore for the same Marke hath not
acquitted, but him to acquitt gainsayed And the same Marke him
thereof to acquitt hitherto gainsaith whereupon the said John Addi-
son saith he is the worse & hath damage to the Value of thirty
thousand pounds of tobacco, & thereupon he bringeth his suite.
Liber W. C.
And the said Marke Cordea by Robert Carvile his Attorney com-
eth & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty to
imparle hereunto untill next Provintiall Court & itt is granted unto
him, the same day is given to the plt also.
Now here att this day to witt the nineteenth day of ffebry in the
fifth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord Balte-
more &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said John Addison by his
Attorney aforesaid, & offered himselfe against the said Marke
Cordea in the plea aforesaid, but the said Marke came not but made
default Therefore itt is considered, that the said John Addison re-
cover against the said Marke Cordea as well the aforesaid Sume of
twenty one thousand seven hundred twenty & two pounds of tobacco
As also five hundred seventy six pounds of tobacco costs of suite
And the Defendt in mercy &
p. 147
Benjamin Nesham Lessee of ""
Robert Ridgely
William Layton
William Layton late of
Somersett County Taylor
was attached to answere
unto Benjamin Nesham
of a plea wherefore by
force and Armes, one Messuage called Little Bellean of Twelve
hundred Acres of Land in the County aforesaid, and wch Robert
Ridgely of st Maryes County gentl to the said Benjamin Demised
for a Terme not yet past did Enter, and him from his ffarme afore-
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