Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 155
her selfe from his service att severall tymes One hundred & seven
dayes, whereupon itt is ordered that she the said Katherine serve
the said Thoma[s] for runing away from him as aforesaid tenn
dayes for every one dayes absence according to Act of Assembly
in that case made & provided, which amounts unto One thousand &
seventy dayes
ffebruary 18th 1679
Came John lLewellin & acknowledged satisfaction to a judgemt
obtained by him against John Blomfield the Eleventh day of March
Anno Doni 1678 for Eighteene hundred thirty eight pounds of
tobacco debt, & five hundred & Sixty pounds of tobacco costs of
Liber W. C.
ffebry 17th 1679
Then were these following bonds delivered up in open Court
by Gerard Slye Admr of the Goods & Chattles of Richard Chillman
deceased & Michael Miller, & Cancelled by the Honble Philip Cal-
vert Esqr by consent of the said Gerard Slye & Michael Miller.
Vizt one bond of twenty foure thousand pounds of tobacco bearing
date the twenty Seventh day of ffebruary Anno Doni 1677 with a
Condicon there under written, passed by the said Michael Miller
to the said Richard Chillman. Also one bond of twenty foure thou-
sand eight hundred pounds of tobacco bearing date the twenty sev-
enth day of ffebruary Anno Doni 1677, with a Condition there under
written, passed by the said Richard Chillman to the said Michael
p. 140
Tho: Clayborne
Kdwa .Barrowclifte
Edward Barrowcliffe late of Talbot County
was Attached to Answer unto Thomas Clay-
borne of a plea of trespas of the case
And whereupon the said Thomas Clayborne
by Robert Carvile his Attorney saith, that the said Edward Barrow-
cliffe haveing bin formerly imployed by the said Tho: Clayborne as
chiefe workman in the building of a Mill, upon Cohoke Creeke in
Permonky neck in the Colony of Virginia, which not being quite
finished, he the said Edward did upon the two & twentieth day of
May one thousand six hundred seventy eight, in consideration that
the said Thomas Clayborne would satisfie & pay unto the said
Edward all his then demands for the finishing of the said worke
in & about the said Mill, he the said Edward did then att Cohoke
Creek in Permonkey neck aforesaid assume upon himselfe & to the
said Thomas faithfully promise, that he the said Edward would att
his own proper costs & charges compleat make & finish one able sub-
stantiall strong cogg wheel & trunnell heads of good seasoned white
oak timber for the biggest paire of stones belonging to Cohoke