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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 141   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 141

of the same being due to the Secretary, Whereas noe such sume was
due to the secretary from the said William steevens to the greate
damage of the said William steevens and contrary to the Act of
Assembly aforesaid, By wch action hath accrued to the said Wm
steevens to require and have of the said Thomas skillington the
sume of three hundred pounds of tobacco being treble the sume hee
was Damnified and also the sume of Three thousand pounds of
tobacco the moyety of the said six thousand pounds tobacco in the
said Act of Assembly contained being due to him for sueing for the
same, and thereupon hee bringeth his suite
And the said Thomas skillington By John Rousby his Attorney
comes and Defends the force and injury when &c And prayeth
liberty to iaipadc hcieiuUu untill next provinciall Court and it is
granted unto him the same day is given to the plantiffe alsoe
Now here at this day to witt the sixteenth day of ffebruary in the
ffifth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Bal-
temore &ca Annoq Dominj One thousand six hundred Seaventy
nine, came the said parties by theire Attorneys aforesaid, and the
said Thomas skillington by his said Attorney saith that hee is not
guilty of the premisses above declared against him, and of this hee
puts himselfe upon the Country, & the said William steevens like-
wise, Therefore itt is comanded the sheriffe of st Maryes County
that hee cause to come here twelve &c by whome &c, and who
neither &c. to Recognize &c because aswell &c wth Jurors being
impannelled and called came, to witt, Robert Ellis, Wm Thomas,
Henry Exon, James Veitch, Thomas Beale, Thomas Hussey, Wm
Bawdon, Thomas Alcock, Bernard Johnson, Thomas Allanson, Ed-
ward sise, & Daniell Clocker Who being elected tryed and Sworne
to say the truth in the premisses, the said William steevens although
solemnly called came not, Whereupon a Nonsuite is Awarded against
him, And Itt is Considered that the said William steevens take

Liber W. C.

nothing by his writt but bee in mercy for his false clayme thereupon,
And that the said Thomas skillington goe thereof without day, and
alsoe that the said Thomas skillington recover against the said Wil-
liam Steevens the sume of twelve hundred fifty & five pounds of
Tobacco for his Costs and charges in this behalfe laid out and
Expended, And the said Thomas may have thereof Execution &ca

p. 127

Richard Fenwick]

Gerrard slye

"Gerrard slye late of st Maryes County was at-
tached to Answere unto Richard ffenwick in a
plea of

And whereupon the said Richard ffenwick by
Charles Boteler his Attorney complayneth, that Whereas the said
Richard upon the ffifth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1678
was posessed of one black Gelding branded on the neare buttock
wth an X and of the price of two thousand pounds of tobacco, as
of the prop guelding of him the said Richard ffenwick and being


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 141   View pdf image (33K)
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