140 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
of ffebruary in the yeare aforesaid came the said parties by theire
Attorneyes aforesaid & the Jurors impannelled being called Likewise
came, (to witt) Thomas Cosden Joseph Tilley, William Thomas,
Marmaduke Semme, Samuell Holdsworth, Jno King John Atkey,
Thomas Sedwick, George Holland, Robert Mason, ffrancis Corbett,
and Richard Marsham Who being elected tryed and sworne to say
the truth in the prmisses upon theire oaths doe say, That the said
Elizabeth Letchworth is guilty of the premisses above by the said
Barnard Johnson imposed upon her, and they assesse the damage
of the said Barnard to Two hundred pounds of tobacco, Therefore
itt is Considered, that the said Barnard Johnson Recover against
the said Elizabeth Letchworth, aswell the sume of two hundred
pounds of tobacco damages by the Jurors aforesaid in fforme afore-
said assessed, as alsoe sixteen hundred twenty eight pounds of To-
bacco for Costs of suite, And the Defendt in mercy &c
Wm Steevens
Thomas skillington
Thomas skillington late Under sheriffe of Tal-
bott County was attached to answere unto
William steevens of a plea of trespas upon the
p. 126
And whereupon the said William by Robert Ridgely his Attorney
complaineth that whereas by a Certaine act of Assembly made att a
gen" assembly begun and held at the Citty of st Maryes the sixteenth
day of May 1676, Itt was amongst other things Enacted, By the
Right honoble the Lord Proprietary wth the advise and consent of
the upper and Lower houses of that present genll Assembly, that
from and after the Publicacon thereof noe officer or officers there-
after mentioned in that prsent Act, theire Ministers servants or
Deputyes, by reason or collour of his or their Office or offices, have
receive or take of any pson or psons, directly or indirectly any other
ffees then by the same Act is thereafter limitted & allowed to the
seav" Officers thereafter menconed, And in case any shall doe con-
trary directly or indirectly to the said Act shall loose and forfeit
to the party greived treble damages, and shall also forfeit the sume
of six thousand pounds of tobacco or fforty pounds sterling ffor
everytime hee or they shall soe doe contrary the one moyety to the
Lord Proprietary his heires & successors. & the other moyety to the
party and parties that shall sue for the same by any plaint action
suite bill or informacon wherein noe Essoyne pteccon or wager of
Lawe shall bee allowed as by the same Act remaining upon Record
Relacon being thereunto had more fully and more at large it doth
and may appeare. The said William steevens in fact saith that the
said Thomas skillington being undr sheriffe of the said County of
Talbott the third day of May 1678 the said Att not ffearing nor the
penalties in the same contained not at all Regarding, One hundred
pounds of tobacco ffor secretarys ffees for searching the Records,
under colour of his Office did take Extort and receive under prtence