And whereupon the said Richard Loyd by Kenelm
Cheseldyn his Attorney complaineth, that whereas in the Act of
Assembly by an Assembly held att the Citty of St Maryes in the
yeare of the Dominion Of Cecilius in the yeare of our Lord One
thousand six hundred & fifty & amongst other things itt was Enacted,
that every person or persons that shall transport or carry away or
cause to be transported or carryed away any freeman out of this
Province that is or shall be indebted or engaged here shall be lyable
to pay & satisfie all such debts engagemts & damages to the person
or persons to whom the same shall be due respectively within this
Province, unlesse the same be satisfied in convenient tyme, or that
in a short tyme he procure such person or persons to returne againe
into this Province whereby he may be lyable to Justice here Notwith-
standing which the said Wm Singleton not being ignorant of the
p'misses & the said Act of Assembly little weighing nor any way
fearing the penalty in the same contained, but malitiously meaning
& intending contrary to the forme of the said Act the said Richard
Loyd to deceive & defraud of a certaine debt of two thousand pounds
of tobacco did the sixth day of April in the yeare of our Lord One
thousand six hundred Seventy six carry away & transport out of this
Province one Clary Holboard relict of Joseph Holboard deceased
who in his life tyme stood indebted unto the said Richard Loyd by
p. 722