50 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.
Liber N N
Christopher Spry &
ux Adx Jno Hales
Robert Large
James Lewis
Miles Grey
Edward Pynn
Jonathan Sibrey
John Halls
John Stansb
Wm Gaskin
Wm Hemsley
The Defendts by Kenelm Cheseldyn their Attorney
appear & imparle untill next Court
p. 721 John Machen
John Sanders
The Defendt in June Court last was remanded to
the Sheriffe of Charles County, who was ordered to
haue his body here this Court — Now here this day
to witt the ffifteenth day of Octobr in the third yeare
of the Dominion of Charles &c Annoq Dni 1678 Wm Chandler high
Sheriffe of the County aforesaid being solemnly called came not to
bring the body of the Deft into Court according to the Order afore-
Cartwrights Exrs
Tho: Mountfort
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of Talbot
County That whereas Demetrius Cartwright de-
ceased the Seventeenth day of April Annoq Doni
One thousand six hundred seventy foure, & in
in the two & fortieth yeare of the Dominion of Cecilius &c before
the Justices of the Provinciall Court recovered judgement against
Thomas Mountford for Six thousand Eighty three pounds of to-
bacco damages & three hundred & eight pounds of tobacco costs
of suite for which satisfaccon remaineth to be made, Therefore
itt was comanded the same Sheriffe that by good and lawfull
men of his bailywick he make known to the said Thomas Mount-
ford that he be & appeare here the fourth day of December last
past to shew cause if any he haue why Execucon should not issue
forth upon the judgemt aforesaid Att which said fourth day of
Decembr the same Sheriffe made return of the writt aforesaid that
by good & lawfull men of his bailywick he had made known to
the said Thomas to be & appeare as by the same writt he was
And the said Thomas Mountford appeareth by Kenelm Cheseldyn