Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678. 33
Attorney saith, that whereas the said Wm Williams in his life tyme
to witt the fifteenth day of May Anno Dni One thousand six hun-
dred seventy Eight by his certaine bill Obligatory Sealed with the
Seale of him the said William & here in Court produced whose date
is the day & yeare aforesaid, did acknowledge himselfe to owe &
stand justly indebted unto the said Thomas Notley in the full &
just quantity of two Thousand five hundred pounds of good sound
Mrchantable leafe tobacco & cask to containe itt, to be be paid to the
said Thomas Notley his heyres Execrs Admrs or assignes convenient
in the said County of St Maryes att or before the tenth day of
October next ensueing the date of the same bill Obligatory, to the
which paymt well & truely to be made the said Wm Williams did
binde himselfe his heyres Execrs & Admrs firmly by those prsents
Notwithstanding which the said Wm Williams in his life tyme nor
the said Jane since his death (to whom Administcon of all and singu-
ler the Goods Chattells rights & Creditts which were of the said
Wm Williams in his life Tyme since his death hath bin comitted)
the said Suine of two thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco to
him the said Thomas Notley according to the tenour of the said
Bill Obligatory although often thereunto required hath not paid or
satisfied, but the same to pay or or satisfie hath denyed & as yet doth
deny whereupon the said Thomas Notley saith he is damnified &
hath losse to the Value of three thousand pounds of tobacco & there-
upon he produceth his suite
Liber N N
And the said Jane Williams by Kenelm Cheseldyn her Attorney
cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c And saith that she
can say nothing in barr of the action of the said Thomas, but that
the said Thomas the said Suine of two thousand five hundred pounds
of tobacco above declared for ought to recover out of the Estate of
the said Wm Williams Therefore itt is considred by the Court here
that the said Thomas Notley recover against the Estate of the said
Wm Williams as well the said sume of two thousand five hundred
pounds of tobacco debt As also ffive hundred & Sixteen pounds of
tobacco costs of suite And the Defendt in mercy &c
p. 706
Peter Quodman
Jno Browning
Admr Jno Gilbert
John Browning late of Cecil County Admr of the
Goods and Chattels of John Gilbert was Attached
to Answer unto Peter Quodman of a plea of tres-
pas of the case
And whereupon the said Peter by George Parker
his Attorney complaineth, that whereas the said John upon the
twenty ninth day of August in the yeare of our Lord One thousand
six hundred sixty nine the said Peter did att Jamaica shipp severall
Goods in the Speedwell of London & Consigned them to the said
John Gilbert for Sale & returnes for the best proffit of the said Peter
Quodman, he the said John Gilbert received the same & disposed
thereof And by an account thereof under his hand & hereunto pro-