Propry & Allen]
Parker & f app. & imp'e....... 341
Rawlings ...
pgps&&WEy^unison}^-ed... 344
Pery & ais & Nedham body or
bayle bond .................. 345
Truman to Audito" ...... 354
Pynn & James nonsuite.......... 356
Pyle & Slye Judgmt............. 360
Pyle & Hussey judgmt.......... 362
Peerce & Addison judgmt........ 365
PropT & Carleton & James
judgmt ..................... 373
Parker & Inglish cont .......... 382
Pawson & Sybrey Judgmt........... 383
Pyper & Smith cont............. 382
Parker & Inglish cont........... 385
Peacock & Allison judgmt...... 386
Perry & als & Nedham ordr Baile
bond ....................... 395
Perry and Baker agreed......... 401
Peca & Stockett ordr Restitution. 403
Peale & Ridgely surety in Reple... 404
Paynter sworne Clarke ........... 405
Pery & Nedham agreed.......... 408
Phips & Alvey agreed .......... 410
Philips & Richardson agreed.... 410
Peirce & Addison & uxrs agreed... 411
Paine & Allen & als agreed....... 411
Perry & Trueman Judgmt........ 412
Pyper & Smith judgmt.......... 423
Parker & Inglish 2 cont.......... 424
Parker & Rawlings Judg*........ 450
Propfy & Allen judgmt........... 436
Perry & Jenifer cont ........... 459
Peca & Stocket cont............ 459
Phippes & Stocket app & impl..... 461
Pattison & Taillor app & impl..... 461
Pawson & Compa & Darby mis-
ericordia ................... 462
Parker & Tailler app & impl .... 463
Pynn & Oldfeild & ux Exx Carr
misecodia ................... 464
Paler & Robison miseri ......... 466
Page & Welborne & Comp1 &
Bonvile & Allen cont.......... 466
Pratt & Saunders app & impl... 466
Paty & Addison & ux Exx Dent
Exr Hall app & impl .......... 466
Peacock & Goddard agreed..... 467
Propry & Cross ordr............ 478
Pager & Welborne & Compa &
al & Saunders Spec bayle ..... 479
Propry & Carvile Judg*.......... 479
Propry & Radford moued for
order ....................... 479
Parker & Tully security upon
Replevin .................... 483
Parker & Tully security upon
Replevin .................... 483
Provinciall Court held.......... 487
Painter sworne Register & Ex-
aminer in Chancery........... 487
Peca & Stocket app & impl ..... 487
Parker & Tully agreed.......... 488
Same agt the same agreed ...... 499
Same agt the same agreed ...... 499
Propry & Binkes Judg*.......... 495
Pattison & Tailler cont.......... 496
Parker & Cheseldyn Exr Jones
app. & impl................... 497
Propy & Doxey & Mason cont.. 506
Propry & Coode & Lomax cont ... 506
Parker & Inglish Adr Thorpe
Judg* ....................... SU
the same agt the same Judgt... 512
Perry Jenifer cont.............. 518
Phipps & Stocket cont .......... 52o
Pawson & Compa Darby cont... 521
Pynn Oldfeild & ux Exx Carr
cont ........................ 521
Paler & Robinson cont........... 522
Propry Lang Crosse & Radford
agreed ...................... 523
Propry Todd Exr of Todd Judg* 528
Propry & Adr Carleton Judgmt... 529
Propry & Sweatnam new apprais-
ment ....................... 530
Parker & Taillor Judg'.......... 530
Paine & ffaning Judg'........... 548
Phipps & Stocket Comiss audi-
tors ........................ 554
Parker & Cheseldyne Exr Jones
Judgt ....................... 556
Peca & Stocket Judgt............ 575
Peca & Stocket Supsedeas & writt
Em ........................ 586
Paler & Robinson Judgt......... 606
Perry & Gant & Saunders & wells
Judg' ....................... 631
Propry & Slye not guilty —
judgmt ..................... 637
Peale & Ridgell agreed........... 647
Parker & Clarke agreed......... 647
Pattison & Tailler agreed........ 647
Pratt & Saunders agreed ........ 650
Pawley & Compa Darby baile
bond assign'd ............... 650
Pynn & Oldfield & ux Ex<" Carr
why judgmt should not passe... 651
Page & Welborne & al & Allen
abatement .................. 651
Propry & Stiles's Ex" judgmt... 685
PropT & Cordea agreed ........ 687
Propry & Wharton cont ......... 689
Parker & Gillham baile bond as-
signed ...................... 656
Price adjudged ................ 664
Propry & Roe judgmt............ 709
PropT & Wynne judgmt......... 709
Parker Henry costs all.......... 717
Parnes Thomas costs all ........ 717
Prop^Wardeapp&impl .... ^
Pynn & Sibrey app & impl....... 720
Price & Maning app & impl ..... 725
Paler & Robinson ordr fi fa ..... 725
Pocock & Smith app & impl....... 731
Proctor & Bland app & impl....... 731
Paty & Addison judgment Ordr
Elegit ...................... 739
Parker & Lacy Non suite........ 729
Phippes and Stockett Judge-
ment ....................... 745
Price and Maning Cont ........ 748
PropT and Wharton Judge-
ment ....................... 759
Pocock & Smith Cont........... 776
Propry and Lowe Judgement....... 783
Propry and Ward Judgement ..... 777
PropT & Cordea & Addison
Judgement .................. 793
Propry & Wynne Judgement .... 795
Finn & Sibrey app. & impl ...... 800
Pynn & Sibrey Cont ............ 802
Parker & Clayland ordr
attachmt .................... 806
Pean & Scott Exx Jordaine nisi... 808
Peale & Tyer app & impl ........ 810
Propry & 1
Scarborow !-ordr attachmts ... 810
Planner & Parsons cont........ 810
Propry & Todd & al ord""......... 813
Peca and Stockett Judgmt....... 815
Propretary and Addison agreed. 824
Idem and Scarborow agreed...... 824
Peerce and Maddox agreed ..... 824
Idem et Idem agreed ........... 824
Pynn and Sybrey Judgment ..... 826
Pocock and Smith Dismissed..... 835
Pynn and Sybrey Nonsuite..... 845
Peale and Tyler Conti .......... 850
Pattesons discharge from
Jones's execucon & ordr...... 851
Peca's Jury Impanelled &\ s_
Verdict agt Stockett .../" o57
and Judgement Court............ 858
Pynn Warr* attor. To Rousby..... 859
Penroy and Jones app and Impl... 875
Price and Manning agreed..... 820
Planer and Parsons appear &
imparl ...................... 879
Peirce agt Wade & Morgan
abated ...................... 880
Propry agt Pattison agreed...~\
Peirce exr Peirce agt Madox ... 882
et uxr app & Imple ........
Idem agt Idem app and Imparl ... 882
Propry and Longden, attachm1"!
sher ret & Condd bill of I gg
Exchange protest and pro- [o '
curacon .................
Idem & Carleton ordr p execu-
Con ......................... 893
Peale and Tyer agreed ......... 900
Potter & als confesse Judgmt ats
Reynolds ............... 904
Propry & Wedge judgmt......... 904
Propry & Howell Pat4 Vacated... 176
Quigley & Jenifer cont........... 38
Blackball judgt ......... 39
*£?}«* ............. 45
Lewis judgt .........."1
Hopkinson sher amer & ... 52
cont ..............
Rawlings 2 nonsuites .... 56
DelLocheKe -- 58
Baker injunction & ~
cont ............. f- ... 59
Richardson sher amerj