NeISOnvigeromus Veed ——- 34o
Beauchamp app: & implc ... 341
Newton & Pym agreed.......... 375
Notley & Bodkin agreed......... 375
Neale & Taillor cont............ 379
^Tanf^sjJ^--" 390
Godfrey judgmt ............... 391
Nothey & Bodkin agreed......... 394
Notley & Lomax sher. amer ..... 399
Neale & Taillor agreed ........ 408
Notley & Lomax Special baile..... 439
Nelson & Comp2 & Beauchamp
Judg' ....................... 457
Nickolle & Royston app & impl. 462
Nelson & Jones Cont............ 463
Notley Esqr & Tyre app & impl ... 496
Nicklis & Royston cont.......... 496
Notley Esqr & Lomax cont ...... 500
Notley Esqr & Tyre agreed...... 550
Nichols & Royston non suite.... 628
Newton & Hunt app & impl ..... 648
Notley Esqr Lomax & Spec bayle
to abide Judgt................ 650
Nutt & Jowles & ux Exx Groome
app & impl .................. 654
Nesham & Smithson app & impl ... 673
Newton & Hunt agreed ......... 683
Nead & Gibbs agreed ........... 693
Notley & Slye agreed........... 703
Notley & Wms- judgmt.......... 705
Nutt & Jowles Refferees......... 723
Ninfinger & Maddox app & impl. 726
Ninfinger & Maddox Cont...... 767
Noble and Burkett agreed....... 799
Neads & Compa. & Gibbs app. &
impl ........................ 800
Ninfinger and Maddox agreed.. 820
Neads & Compa & Gibbs —
Judgmt ..................... 839
Notleys Exrs Discharge to\ ^
Cordea Hall and Dodson/'
Idem acknowledged in open
Court ...................... 861
Nesham & Layton in Ejectmt
ordr ........................ 877
Ogles & Rawlins ordr upon Exe-
cucon ...................... 29
Osborne Thomas costs allowed... 87
Overton & Gilbert abate ........ 104
Oversee Land judgmt........... 187
Oldfield & Abbot app. & impl\
Hopkins agreed ...... 1' '
Orchard & Compa ~
ex Earle ........
IS25 k""-" ,33
Mitchell J
Wright 2 abate -
Atkey app. & imple. 234
Oldfeild & Abbot cont........... 258
Orchard & Atkey agreed......... 268
Oldfeild George discharged
from Arrest ................ 312
Abbot cont ............. 323
Ogle & Oldfeild app. & imple .... 334
Oldfeild & Abbott Cont.......... 370
Ogle & Oldfeild cont............ 399
ordr Court .................... 405
ordr Counsell ................. 407
Ogle & Oldfield judgmt.......... 441
Drder for mending ye highway ... 495
Drder concerning subp35......... 664
Dwen agt Lenham & Balder-"!
ston admrs Descardins ap- ... 882
pear and Imparl...........
Palin & Tailer nonsuite ........ 14
Penry & Young ret. of attach'.. 30
Pritchard & Nicholls ordr Pos-
session ..................... 33
Paradien & Stanley judgmt..... 34
PropT & Bubbidge tryall........ 35
Paine & Vaughan agreed"]
Parker & Proctor agreed 1
Pollard & Dare cont ....['"'" ""
Perry & Jenifer cont ....
Price & Sauage cont............ 45
Peerce & Carleton cont.......... 46
Pery & Carleton cont ........... 48
Paine & Jordaine cont .......... 54
Paine & Quigley ver. & ordr...... 60
Parker & Gunn sher amer. nisi... 61
Phipps & Alvey sher. amer. nisi... 67
Pope Exrs Pope & Boughton sher
amer nisi ................... 68
Perry & Tilley order attachm*..... 71
Peacock & Mathews adm<"
Charlesworth abate .......... 72
Goddard attachm* ....... 73
Phipps admr Maynard & Jones
sher. amer. nisi .............. 75
Peacock & "1
Quigley.. -app. & imple...... 76
Pollard & Dare admr Parker"
cont ....................
Perry & Jenifer cont.........
Peerce & Carle-"! ... 93
p£rE- K—
Same ......
Price & Sauvage agreed......... 94
Payne & Jordaine cont.......... 94
Parker & Gunn agreed........... 95
Phipps & Jones discont.......... 97
Propry & Allenson & Edmundson
agreed ...................... 100
Porter & Mitchell amer. nisi.... 101
Peacock & Rider app. & imple..... 102
Jones adr Charlesworth
idem ................. 103
Delaroch ex. the Same... 102
Partie & Blakiston the Same..... 10;
Parker Geo: sworne att......... 88
Paine & Quigley Judg*........... 445
PeaCOkW&y?negley}i"^'------- ^
Pattison Thomas Costs allowed.. 173
Phipps & Griffin Judgmt......... 160
Pery & Tilley judgmt........... 176
Penry & Howell Satisfaction
ack ......................... 176
Peerpoint & Lambert order pos-
session ..................... 17;
Price John vpon Sci: fa: judgmt
land ....................... 177
Peaca Robt Warrt att........... 180
Peighin & ffulfurd nonsuite..... 182
Pearse Jos Tob. not to be dis-
posed of .................... 185
Percy Thomas Land judg'... , , . 185
Propfy & Rozer judgmt......... 186
Peighen & ffulford & als injunc-
tion ........................ 187
Paine & Jordaine agreed........ 189
Penfax land Escheate........... 192
Pollard & Dare agreed.......... 194
Peerce & Carleton discont ... "1
Pery & Jenifer cont. p consent J " **
Carleton discont ......... 195
Phipps & Alvey nonsuite......... 198
Porter & Mitchell amer.......... 203
Peacock & Jones adm' Charles-
worth judgmt ................. 208
Delaroche judgmt ....... 215
Rider Judgmt............. 221
Partie & Blakiston judgmt....... 222
Parker & Steuart agreed......... 225
Perin & Clarke sher amer. nisi ..... 232
Pattison & Taylor app. & imple... 235
Parker & Parnes agreed ........ 237
Pynn & James app. & imple , , , ... 244
Pery & Truman"\
Pile & Slye ... f app. & imple .... 243
Pyper & Cordea j
Pile & Hussey app. & imple ..... 247
Peerce & Addison idem.......... 247
Propry & Taylor cont............ 250
Pery & Jenifer to auditors....... 251
Porter & Mitchell discont ....... 252
Pattison agt Taylor nonsuite....... 256
Perin & Clarke agreed........... 258
Palmer Tho: Adjudged......... 262
Peca & Stockett ............... 270
Propry & Sayer judgmt............ 292
Ives judgt .............. 293
Parker & English 2 app. & imple. 298
Pyper & Dorman agreed..."!
Parker & Cartwright Exrx ..... 299
Bowdell idem ....... )
Pyper & Smith app. & imple\ ,
Pynn & James idem........ J " 3
Peacok & Allison app. & imple\
Pawson & Sybrey idem...../" 3
Peerce & Bayly agreed.......... 303
Peake & Bland r................ 306
Pynn & James cont ............. 309
Pyper & Cordea agreed......... 310
Perry & Truman cont........... 314
Propry & Rozer judgmt.......... 315
Pile&^sseyH---- 316
Peerce & Addison cont\ Q
Propry & Oldfeild judgmt J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3le
Pyper & Smith... I . ,
Parker & Inglish 2/ cont 3^5
Peacok & Allison cont .......... 328
Peighin & ffulford Sequestr'r..... 329
Pawson & Sybrey Cont.\
Pynn & James cont .....J""" 3l3
Pery & als & Nedham cont....... 332
PropT & James app. & imple....... 335
Perry & Baker idem ............ 337