250 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber N N the same
the same J
These foure actions are stayed by ordr of
Edwd Dorsey & ux:
Tho: Bland & ux :
Court upon a Decree in Chancery.
Tho: Bland
Edwd Dorsey
John Quigley
Marke Cordea
This cause is continued untill next Court
p. 904
Richard Royston
Symon Irons
the same
the same
The Injunction formerly granted in these three
causes is dissolved by the Court, & these actions
are continued untill next Court
the same
the same
Mr Robert Ridgely
1 have received of John Blomfield satisfaction upon the judgemt
obtained against him in the Provinciall Court att my suite, There-
fore these desireing you to acknowledge satisfaction for the same
upon Record for so doeing this shall be yor warrant Wittnes my
hand Octobr 13th 1679
Wittnes Jno Marttindall Evan Carew Robert Doelen
Octobr 13th 1679
Satisfaction of the abovesaid judgement was then acknowledged
in open Court by Robert Ridgely by vertue of the above warrant of
Maryland ss. Septembr 11th 1679
Then came Elizabeth Potter ats Greene & Thomas Potter and
ffrancis Corbett & acknowledged judgemt unto Hugh Reynolds for
three thousand three hundred thirty five pounds of tobacco debt &
five hundred thirty six pounds of tobacco for costs of Suite recov-
ered against her the said Elizabeth Potter als Green by the aforesaid
Hugh Reynolds att the Provintiall Court of this Province the fifth
day of Octobr Anno Doni One thousand six hundred Seventy seven
with cessat Executio untill the tenth day of Octobr next ensuing.
Acknowledged before me the day & yeare
first above written Wm Calvert