Liber N N
upon the fifteenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord One thou-
sand six hundred Seventy five stood justly indebted to the said
Nathaniel Styles for divers Goods & Mrchandizes to him sold &
delivered amounting in the whole to the Sume of Eight thousand
five hundred Eighty & Six pounds of tobacco as by a particuler
account thereof hereunto annexed may appeare, Of which said
Sume of Eight thousand five hundred Eighty six pounds of tobacco
the said Nathanl Styles in his life tyme received of the said Nathaniel
Utie in his life tyme the sume of Eleven hundred forty two pounds
of tobacco, so that there rested due on the ballance of the said
account the sume of seven thousand foure hundred forty foure
pounds of tobacco as by the said account may also appeare In con-
sideracon whereof the said Nathaniel Utie did assume upon him-
selfe & to the said Nathaniel Styles did faithfully promise, that he
the said Nathaniel Utye the said Sume of seven thousand foure
hundred forty foure pounds of tobacco to him the said Nathaniel
Styles would well & truely content & pay when he should be there-
unto requested Yet notwthstanding the said Nathaniel Utye his
promise & assumpcon aforesaid little reguarding, but deviseing &
fraudulently intending him the said Nathaniel Styles in this behalfe
craftily & subtily to defraud & deceive, the said Sume of Seven thou-
sand foure hundred forty & foure pounds of tobacco in his life tyme
nor the said Elizabeth since his death in her widdowhood, nor the
said Henry or Elizabeth since their intermarriage the said Sume of
p. 896
Seven thousand ffoure hundred forty & foure pounds of tobacco to
him the said Nathaniel Styles in his life tyme nor to the said Henry
Stocket & James Stavely since his death though often thereunto
requested have not paid or satisfied, but the same to pay & satisfie
have altogether denyed & refused & still doe deny & refuse to pay the
same to the damage of the said Henry & James tenn thousand
pounds of tobacco & thereupon they bring their suite.
And the said Henry Johnson & Elizabeth his wife by Robert
Ridgely their Attorney come & defend the force & injury when &c
and pray liberty to imparle hereunto untill next Provintiall Court
& itt is granted unto them the same day is given to the plaintiffes
Now here att this day to witt the tenth day of October in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Doni 1679. came as well the said pfts as the said Defend" by their
Attorneys aforesaid, And the said Defendts by their said Attorney
say, that they the said Henry & Elizabeth for or by reason of any-
thing above by the said plaintiffes in manner & forme aforesaid
alleadged they have no need nor by the Law of the land are bound
to Answer And for reasons according to the forme of the Statute in
that case provided & made They say that the said plantiffes in the dec-
laracon aforesaid Entitle themselves to sue & bring the action above-