Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679. 241
Garrat VSweringen
John Quigley
Liber N N
John Sanders
Tho: Helgar
Gerard Slye
Tho: Helgar
Edward Leach
Robert Murphy
Vincent Lowe Esqr
John Quigley
ffrancis Hill
Mary Tilghman
John England
Gerard Slye
Thomas Marsh
Stephen Burle
Exrs Robt Burle
This action abates, the plt being dead
p. 895
John Darnall
Wm Harris
The plaintiffe haveing formerly Attached in the Defts
hands foure thousand pounds of tobacco due from
him unto Jarvis Ballard Itt is thereupon this day
to witt the ffifteenth day of Octobr in the fourth
yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni
1679 Ordered by the Court, that unlesse the Defendt make his per-
sonall appearance here att the next Provintiall Court to make Oath
what & how much he is indebted unto the said Jarvis Ballard, that
then & upon default thereof the aforesaid Sume of ffoure thousand
pounds of tobacco so Attached as aforesaid, to be condemned unto
the plaintiffe
Henry Stocket
& Ja: Stavely
Ex" Styles
Hen: Johnson &
ux: Adm Utye
Henry Johnson & Eliza his wife Admx of the Goods
& Chatties of Nathaniel Utie deceased were At-
tached to Answer unto Henry Stocket & James
Stavely Exrs of the last Will & testament of Na-
thaniel Stiles deceased of a plea of trespas of the
And whereupon the said Henry & James by Rob-
ert Carvile their Attorney say, that whereas the said Nathaniel Utie