18 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.
Liber N N
seventh day of April then next following out of the hands & posses-
sion out of the said Thomas did keep & detaine to the damage of the
said Thomas Jones two thousand Six hundred & sixty pounds of
tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite
And the said Robert & Wm by Robert Carvile their Attorney come
& defend the force & injury when &c and pray liberty to imparle
hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & itt is granted unto them,
the same day is given to the plaintiffe also
Now here att this day to witt the Sixteenth day of October in
the third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c
Annoq Doni 1678 came as well the said plaintiffe as the said
Defendts by their Attorneys aforesaid And the said Defendts by
their said Attorney say that they are in noe wise guilty of the
premisses above by the said Thomas Jones imposed upon them &
of this they putt themselves upon the Countrey And the said Thomas
likewise Therefore itt is comanded the Sheriffe of St Maryes County
that he cause to come here twelve &c by whom &c and who neither
&c to recognize &c because aswell &c Att which said sixteenth day
of Octobr in the yeare aforesaid came the said parties by their
Attorneys aforesaid And the jurors impannelled being called likewise
came to witt Richard Boughton, Jno Haslewood, Thomas Doxey, John
Doxey, James Rumsey, Tho: Bowdle, Tho: Osborne, Lewis Blangy,
p. 692
Tho: Ball, Henry Howard, Tho: Gilbert And Richard Hodgson
who being Elected tryed & sworne to say the truth in the prmisses
upon their Oaths doe say that the said Robert Mason & Wm Thomas
are guilty of the prmisses above by the said Thomas Jones imposed
upon them And they assesse the Damage of the said Thomas Jones
to three hundred & fifty pounds of tobacco Therefore itt is con-
sidered by the Court here that the said Thomas Jones Jones recover
against the said Robert Mason & Wm Thomas as well the Sume of
three hundred & fifty pounds of tobacco damages by the jurors afore-
said in forme aforesaid assessed As also One thousand & six pounds
of tobacco costs of Suite And the Defendts in mercy &c
John Edmondson
Mary Tilghman
Mary Tilghman late of Talbot County Widdow
was Attached to Answer unto John Edmondson
of a plea of trespas upon the case
And whereupon the said John Edmondson by
Robt Ridgely his Attorney complaineth, that whereas att a Provin-
cial Court holden att the City of St Maryes the twentieth day of
November One thousand six hundred seventy five in a certaine suite
depending between John Quigley plaintiffe & Ralph Blackball Defendt
in an action of Accompt the said John Edmondson & Richard Tilgh-
man deceased late Husband of the said Mary att the special instance
& request of the said Ralph became special bayle for the said Ralph
in the said action And afterwards to wit the twenty seventh day of