Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678. 17
as the said Thomas hath above declared against him & of this he
putts himselfe upon the Countrey Whereupon day is given to both
parties untill next Provinciall Court
Now here att this day to witt the Fifteenth day of October in the
third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &ca Annoq
Dni 1678 came the said Thomas Snell by his Attorney aforesaid &
offered himselfe against the said Henry Hooper in the plea afore-
said but the said Henry came not but made default Therefore itt is
considered by the Court here the said Tho: Snell Admr as afore-
said recover against the said Henry Hooper as well the sume of
ffifteen hundred pounds of tobacco damages occasioned by the
prmisses As also ffifteen hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco costs
of suite And the Defendt in mercy &c
Liber N N
Justinian Tennison
Matthew Davis
This action is agreed
Tho: Jones
Robt Mason &
Wm Thomas
Robert Mason & Wm Thomas late of St Maryes
County planters were Attached to answer unto
Thomas Jones Marryner of a plea of trespas upon
the case
p. 691
And whereupon the said Thomas Jones by Robert
Ridgely his Attorney complaineth, that whereas the said Thomas
Jones being possessed as of his own proper Goods of One Boat of
the Value of three thousand pounds of tobacco lying then att the
landing of the said Thomas in St Maryes County aforesaid, the said
Robert & Wm the sixth day of March in the yeare of our Lord One
thousand Six hundred Seventy seven in consideracon that the said
Thomas Jones would lend them the said Boat to goe on board a
certaine Shipp then lying att Anchor in St Maryes River, upon them-
selves did assume & to the said Thomas did faithfully promise that
they the said Robert & Wm the said Boat att the landing of the said
Thomas & the Oares att the house of the said Thomas the night of
the same sixth day of March would well & in good condicon to him
the said Thomas redeliver & returne And the said Thomas in fact
saith, that trusting to the faithfull promise & assumpcon of the said
Robert & Wm to him the said Thomas so as aforesaid made, he
the said Thomas the said Boat with her Oares to them the said
Robert & Wm did deliver & lend to goe aboard as aforesaid Yet the
aforesaid Robert & Wm their promise & assumpcon so as aforesaid
made not reguarding, but deviseing & fraudulently intending him
of the use of his boat to them lent as aforesaid to deprive the
same boat with her Oares to the said Thomas did not redeliuer &
return according to their promise, but the same boat hath from the
said sixth day of March in the yeare aforesaid until the twenty