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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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I o Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.

Liber N N
p. 684

Tho: Snell Admr
Jno Cornish
James Senscerfe

James Senscerfe late of Talbot County was Sum-
oned to Answer unto Thomas Snell Admr of the
Goods & Chatties of John Cornish deceased in a
plea that he render unto him his reasonable ac-

compt of the tyme he was receiver of the tobac-
coes of the said said John Cornish wch to him to render he ought

And whereupon the said Thomas Snell by Wm Crosse his Attor-
ney saith, that whereas the aforesaid James Senscerfe the six &
twentieth day of March Anno One thousand six hundred seventy
& seven hath bin the Receiver of the tobaccoes of the said John
Cornish in his life tyme to witt forty five hogsheads of Virginia
leafe tobacco by the hands of Ezekiel Croscomb, to render a rea-
sonable Accompt thereof to the said John Cornish when he should
be thereunto required Neverthelesse the said James although often
required his reasonable accompt aforesaid thereof to the said John
Cornish in his life tyme nor to the said Thomas Snell Admr of the
Goods & Chattels of the said John Cornish since his death hath not
rendred, but the same hitherto to render to the said Thomas hath
denyed & still doth deny to the retardation of the Administracon
aforesaid Wherepon the said Thomas saith he is damnified & hath
losse to the Value of Forty Thousand pounds of tobacco, & there-
upon he bringeth his suite And the said Thomas bringeth here into
Court the Letters of Admcon upon the Estate of the said John
Cornish to him granted by the chiefe Judge for probate of Wills &
granting Admcons that itt may appeare to the Court here that he is
Admistr as aforesaid

And the said James Senscerfe by Robert Ridgely his Attorney
cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & itt is granted
unto him, the same day is given to the plaintiffe also

Now here att this day to witt the fifteenth day of Octobr in the
third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Doni 1678 came the said plaintiffe by his Attorney aforesaid &
offered himselfe against the said James Senscerfe in the plea afore-
said, but the said James came not but made default Therefore itt
is considered by the Court here that Auditors be Appointed to Audite
& State the Accompts between the said Thomas Snell Admr as afore-
said & the said James Senscerfe And doe hereby order & appoint
Philemon Lloyd & Edward Man Gentt to Audite & state the same,
& to make a report of their proceedings therein att the next Provin-
ciall Court

Henry Stocket & Ja:
Stavely Ex" Nath: Stiles
Wm Bateman Admr
Christopher Andrews

These two actions are agreed


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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