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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 484   View pdf image (33K)
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         484                     Index.
         Groom, Samuel, of England,         Hance, John, Calvert County   Hemington, Thomas; see Table
            mariner; see Table of              innholder; see Table of       of Cases.
            Cases.            Cases.        Hemsley, William, 324, 417; see
         Groome, Wm., dec'd, 434; see       Handbills (tools), Value of, 33.      also Table of Cases.
             also Jowles, Sibill ( )        Handman, William; see Table   Henly, Henry, 260.
            Groome, Mrs. Henry.                of Cases.   Herman, Augustine, comxnis
         Groves, Thor; see Table of         Hanman; see Handman.        sioner of Cecil County, 355.
            Cases.         Hanslaps, Henry, 454.  Gasper, of Cecil County,
         Grubb, John; see Table of          Harmer, John, jur, 504.     xxvii; see also Table of
            Cases.         Harmour, Godfrey, 304.        Cases.
         Guardian, 115.    Harper, Robert, practitioner in “Hermans Mount,” Cecil
         Guibert, Joshua, of St. Mary's        physic, xxx-xxxi, 180; see    County, 304, 439.
            County, 91, 248, 256, 302;         also Archives, LXVI.  Hewit Edward; see Hewit,
            see also Table of Cases.         William, 4.      William.
         Guither, Wm., 4, 260, 394, 402,    Harris, Henry; see Table of    Robert, 46; see also Table of
            403; see also Table of             Cases.    Cases.
            Cases.          John; see Table of Cases.  William, of Cecil County, de
         Gun, Trover and conversion of,      Capt. John (merchant), 26.      ceased, 8, 9, 216; see also
            xvii, 22.       William, 238, 249, 456.      Inglish, Edward, admr.;
         Gunby, if rancis; see Table of      William, seaman, 36.       Turpin, John, admr.
            Cases.         Hart; see Heart. Hext, Joseph; see Table of
         Gunnell, Edward, of Baltimore      Hartwell, John, of Charles       Cases.
            County, 269; see also Table        County; see Table of Cases.     Hibberd, Wm.; see Table of
            of Cases.      [Harwood] Haiwood, Raphael,        Cases.
          George, of St. Mary's Cecil         155     Hide, [Mistress] if rances r see
            & Baltimore Counties; see        Ralph, London merchant; see     Table of Cases; Lawrence,
            Table of Cases.                    Table of Cases.     ifrances ( ) Hide,
          Jane ( —) Overton, Mrs.            Robt., deceased, 29; see also        Mrs. Henry.
            George, admx., 320 see             Man[n], Edward, admr. Hides, dry, 244.
            also Table of Cases; Over-      Hassell, Christopher; see Ta- Higginbotham, Richard, Somer
            ton, Thomas, dec'd.                ble of Cases.       set County tailor; see Table
         Gurgill; see Gargill.              Hatton, Samuel, Talbot County    of Cases.
                              merchant & planter, 128,     Highland (name) ; see Hyland.
         Habere facias possessioneln,          226; see also Table of     Highway overseer, Service as,
            Writ of, xxii, 105, 154, 115,      Cases.    167, 356-358.
            231-232, 303, 305, 306, 307,     Samuel, admr.; see Table of  Hill, Clement, sheriff of St.
            308, 359, 360, 425, 439, 440,      Cases; Soley, George, dec'd.       Mary's County, 4, 95, 219,
            44'.            William, 142.      255, 260, 289, 442; see also
          Fee for serving, 228.              William, exr.; see Table of     Table of Cases.
         Hackett, Nicholas; see Table          Cases; Cunningham, John,    Clement, exr.; see Moy's
            of Cases.         dec'd; Cunningham's Ex-    Exrs.; Table of Cases.
         Haiwood; see Harwood.                 ecutors.     ffrancis, 174, 575, 191; see
         Half-sister as heir, 534.          Hawes, Geo:; see Table of        also Table of Cases.
         Hall, Henry, deceased, 214; see       Cases.  Richard, Justice of Anne
            also Dent, Tho r, exr.; Ad-     Hawkins, Hannah [( ),       Arundel County, xxvi, 342,
            dison, John &     Mrs. Thomas], extrx.; see       346, 348, 421.
          Hugh, of Barbardoes, 527.            Table of Cases; Hawkins,    Richard, of Anne Arundel
          James; see Table of Cases.           Thomas, deceased.        County; see Table of
          Walter, of St. Inigoes, St         Thomas, deceased, 48; see       Cases; Rawbone, James, de
            Mary's County, 242, 318,           also Hawkins, Hannah,    ceased; Gardner, Edward,
                              extrx.           deceased.
            442, 445, 446, 447, 455; see    Hayward, Nicholas, London      Wm., of Calvert County; see
            also Table of Cases.
                              notary and tabellion public,    Table of Cases.
         Hall (surname) ; see Halls.             Hilton, John, marksman, 63.
         Hallifax (fabric), Value of, 35    Haywood, Raphael, 418.    Robert, Talbot County chirur
         Halls (Hall?), Jno; see Table      Heard, John, of St. Mary's       geon; see Table of Cases.
            of Cases.         County, 219, 220.  Hilton; see Hinton.
         Haly Clement, 62, 90; see also     Heart, Richard; see Table of  Hinchman, Ann, Mrs. Nathan-
            Table of Cases; Archives,          Cases.    iel, 425.
            LXV, LXVI.     Heath, Thomas, 360.    Nathaniel, 425.
          Mary ( ) [Conery?],               Heathcoat, Nathaniel, Justice of   “Hinsons Addicon,” Talbot

            Mrs. Clement extrx. 62;            Anne Arundel County, 342,     County, 231.
            see also Tabfe of dases;           346.   Hinton, Thomas, St. Mary's
            Conery, Edward, deceased;       Hedge, Thor, of Baltimore        County bricklayer, 322, 362,
            Archives, LXV. LXVI.               County, 330; see also Table        382, 383, 413, 415; see also
         Hambleton, John, 46.                  of Cases.      Table of Cases; Hilton,
         Hamond, Daniel, St. Mary's         Helgar, Thomas, Charles County        Thor.
            County planter; see Table          innholder; see Table of    Hitchcock, Wm., 322, 362, 382,
            of Cases.         Cases.           384, 413, 415, 416.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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