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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 483   View pdf image (33K)
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                                 Index.                   483
          ffloyd, James; see Table of        Gelding, Cost of, 409.      282, 300, 314, 321, 328, 332,
             Cases.        Gennis, Wm.; see Table of      339, 363, 367, 389; see also
          ifolkes, Tho:, of Dorchester          Cases.    Trespass upon the case;
             County; see Table of Cases.     Gerard, John, exr., 62, 63; see       Accommodations already re
          “The ifolly,” Turners Creek,          also Gerard, Thomas, de-      ceived.
             Sassafras River, 306, 440.         ceased; Gerard, Rose, Goosey, Saml., of Calvert
          Forbearance, Interest for, 219,       extrx.; Archives, LXV,        County, marksman, 243, 244.
             244.             LXVI.          Gorsuch, , dec'd, 433; see
          Forcible entry; see Land, Forci-    Rose, extrx., 62, 63; see also       also Hatton, Samuel, & us.,
             ble entry.       Gerard, Thomas, deceased;        admrx.
          Foreigner, Disabilities of, 44,       Gerard, Rose, extrx.; Ar-  Gosprit, , merchant, 26.
             309, 310, 454-455; see also        chives, LXV, LXVI.     Charles, of London, 26.
             Special bail.  Thomas, of “Westwood,” St. Gough (Goif), Mary
          Forfeited goods, Concealment          Mary's Co'ty, 79; see also    Jarbo, Mrs. Stephen; see
             and detaining of, 248.             Table of Cases.     Table of Cases.
           ffosley Diaiicli, St. Michael's    Thomas, deceased, 62, 6j, 89   tephen, 248, 256, 302.
             River, Talbot Cot'y, 303,          90, 218; see also Gerard,   (Goif), Stephen, & uxr.,
             441.             John, exr.; Gerard, Rose,        extrx.: see Table of Cases;
          ifosset, John, of Cecil County,       extrx.; Archives, LXV,        Jarbo, ‘Jno., dec'd.
             440.             LXVI.           William; see Table of Cases.
          ifoster, John, merchant; see Ta-   Gibbs, Edward, Calvert County Gould, Mr. John, attorney [in
             ble of Cases.    merchant; see Table of      fact], 153, 178.
          ifrances, Thomas, of Anne             Cases.  John, of Calvert County, de
             Arundel County; see Table       Gibson, William; see Table of    ceased, 178.
             of Cases.        Cases.         The Governor's Landing in Pa
          ifrancklyn, Robert, Comm'r of      Gilbert, Thomas, 421, see also        tuxent, 2.
             Anne Arundel County, 425;          Table of Cases.  Graham, Ann [(—) Macall],
             see also Table of Cases.        Ginger (spice), 316.        Mrs. Robert, extrx., 420;
          Freedom, Award of, by the          Gist Christopher; see Table of        see also Table of Cases;
             Court, 420.      ‘Cases.           Macall [Mackall?], Geo.,
           Petition for, 25, 227.
          Freedom corn & clothes, xxiv, Gittings, Jno., dec'd, 38; see     deceased.
                             also Gittings, Mary, admr.;    Robert, 265, 420; see also Ta-
            xxv     25, 227.
          Freehold, Grant of, by Court          Gittings, Margaret.    ble of Cases.
             decision, 220, 244.              Mary, admr.; see Table of    Robert, exr.; see also Table
          ifrench, Philip, & Compa.; see        Cases; Gittings, Jno., dec'd;    of Cases; Cunningham,
             Table of Cases; Archives,          Gittings, Margaret, admrx.  John, deceased; Cunning-
             LXVI.          William; see Table of Cases.     ham's Executors.
          From the beginning of the world    Glanvile, William, of Somerset Grammer, John, xxvi; see also
             to this day, Term for ac-          County, 368, 370, 372.      Table of Cases.
             counts, 392.  Goddard, Jno.; see Table of Grand jury, Dorchester County,
          ifulford, Capt. George, of Lon-       Cases.  167, 356.
             don, merchant, 33, 36; see      Godden, William, marksman, Gray, Jane, admrx.; see Table
              also Table of Cases.              104.    of Cases; Winsor, Alex.,
          ifuller, Edward, marksman, 104.    Godfry, George, of Charles     dec'd.
          ifurnace, Wm., see Table of           County; see Table of Cases. Green, James; see Table of
             Cases.        Goff: see Gough.   Cases.
          Furniture, Replevin of, 234.       Goldsmith, Johanna; see Table Wm., dec'd, 438; see also
          Fustian, Value of, 34.                of Cases.    Thompson, James, admr.
          Fustian frocks, Value of, 34.       (Gouldsmith), John, marks- “Green Spring,” Calvert County,
                              man, 63.       358.
          Gabree, Timotheus, [New] Am- Goldson, Daniel of Calvert          Greene, Elizabeth, widow, of St.
             sterdam magistrate, 282.         County, marksman, 243, 244.     Mary's County, xxvii; see
          Gant, Thomas, 70, 74, 152; see Good behavior, Order for, Fee             also Table of Cases.
             also Table of Cases.
          Gardner, Edward, deceased,          for, 228.      James, 63.
             see also Hill, Richard, admr. Goodrick, if rancis; see Table of          Joseph; see Table of Cases.
           Richard, 4         Cases.         Gregory, Charles, deceased, 48;
          Gargill (Gurgill), Hanry, of       George, deceased, 48; see also        see also Clipsham, Thomas,
             St. Mary's County, marks-        Goodrick, Robert, exr.     admr.

                             Robert, exr.; see Table of     Grey, Miles; see Table of Cases.
             man, 219, 220.
          Garnis, John, 199   Cases; Goodrick, George, Giiggs, John; see Table of
          Gary, Stephen, justice of Dor-      deceased.        Cases.
             chester County, 356; see Goods & chattels, Appraisal of,       Mary, extrx. Richard Keene;
              also Table of Cases.            above true worth, 287.     see Table of Cases; Keene,
          Gascoign, William, marksman, Goods, wares and merchandizes,         Richard, deceased.
             104.              109, 122, 123, 128, 144, 145,     Grill, John, of ffalmouth Old
          Geale, Abra.; see Table of           151ff, 174, 177, 178, 181,     England, merchant; see Ta-
             Cases.            190, 215, 255, 257, 259, 268,        ble of Cases.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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